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2010年秋天一个清晨的麋鹿。Elk early morning in fall 2010.

我感觉到了一丝脉搏!这头麋鹿还没有死。I found a pulse! The elk was not dead.

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麋鹿站起来的时候,防水布从它身上滑落。When the elk got up, the tarp slid off.

最前面的一波麋鹿受到惊吓突然停下脚步,但是大批的同类从后面冲过来。Startled, the front line of elk stopped.

熊离开之后,鹿和麋鹿也来填饱他们的肚子。After Bear left, Deer and Elk also filled their bellies.

何展翔今年毕业于糜鹿林的富兰克林高中。Zane He graduated from Franklin High School in Elk Grove.

听着,杰克,咱们可以十一月去打猎,逮它一头大麋鹿。Lighten up, Jack.We can hunt in November, kill a nice elk.

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通常情况下,一群狼必须每两到三天猎杀一头麋鹿。A pack of wolves typically kills an elk every two to three days.

其间的小径上行走的是熊,狼,驼鹿和麋鹿等动物。The only tracks were those made by bears, wolves, elk and moose.

突然想起圣诞老公公的麋鹿脖子上挂着的铃铛。Santa Claus suddenly remembered the elk hung bells around his neck.

这座建筑坐落于一座山边,俯瞰着国家麋鹿庇护所。The building sits on a hillside overlooking the National Elk Refuge.

然而当他们只顾注意自己的脚步时,却看不到麋了。But when they looked only to their footing, they did not see the elk.

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四年前,麦克唐纳被郊区的生活所吸引而搬到了鹿林市。McDonald moved to Elk Grove four years ago, attracted by suburban life.

在动物世界,类似的疾病在水貂、骡鹿和麋鹿中也发生过。In the animal world, similar diseases occur in mink, mule deer, and elk.

这些州在管理野鹿、麋鹿和野熊方面做的很好。Those states have done a superb job of managing their deer, elk and bear.

这一次,一群乌鸦只是在吃人类猎手留下的麋鹿内脏而已。In this case the birds are merely scavenging elk guts left by a human hunter.

格林尼尔记录了人们为了兽皮而偷捕美洲野牛、鹿、麋鹿和羚羊。Grinnell documented the poaching of buffalo, deer, elk and antelope for hides.

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在低国,他们知道他们也需要留意熊,鹿和麋鹿。In the Low Country, they knew they also needed to consider Bear, Deer, and Elk.

灰熊,狼,自由放养的美洲野牛和麋鹿群都在公园里生活着。Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park.

我用一块防水布盖住了麋鹿,然后用毯子把自己裹起来,坐在它旁边。I covered the elk with a tarp and sat down near it, wrapping myself in blankets.