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我们有很多想象中的亚斯兰。We had a lot of imaginary Aslan.

生活是复的,有实部和虚部。It has real and imaginary components.

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他在我衣领处抖掉那想象中的灰尘。He flicked imaginary dust off my lapel.

书中所有的人物都是虚的。All characters in the book are imaginary.

书中全豹的人物都是伪造捏造的。All characters in the plan are imaginary.

所有幻奇的进展都是缘饰。All imaginary progression is arborescent.

于是,我成了我自己的假想敌。Then I became an imaginary enemy to myself.

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斑点马是虚构出来的生物吗?Was the Spotted Horse an Imaginary Creature?

表现出如梦如幻的感觉!Displays like the dream like imaginary feeling!

我们来演示一下这场虚构的完美战争So, we'll just do this imaginary perfect battle.

她想象中的幸福霎时全部烟消云散了。All her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment.

我的男朋友就是,-1的平方根——根本不存在。My boyfriend is like square root of -1. Imaginary.

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这次,由于其本质必须是一个想象的。This time it must of its nature be an imaginary one.

以虚拟图形文件浏览器为例。Take an imaginary graphics file viewer as an example.

她说,她的想象中的“副驾驶”引导她到安全。She said her imaginary "copilot" guided her to safety.

但我可以在想象的世界中见到所有这些人。But I can meet all of those people in imaginary worlds.

我们正在假装我们在一片虚构的森林里。We were pretending that we were in an imaginary forest.

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该怎么去平衡,我和我的假想敌。How to balance me and my imaginary enemy which also is me.

这个假想而虚构的地方被昵称为“科尔特尔地狱”。The supposedly imaginary place was nicknamed "Colter's Hell".

像这样的臆想的问题通常隐藏真实性的。Imaginary problems such as these are usually hiding real ones.