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我们的巴士停在札幌NHK的前面。Our bus stopped in front of Sapporo's NHK.

她告诉日本广播协会巨浪打过来的时候,她们正在三楼的阳台。She told NHK that they were on a third-floor balcony when the giant wave hit.

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记者就此采访了日本广播公司NHK的研究主管高知久保田。Well, here's Kochi Kubota, who's research boss of the Japanese broadcaster NHK.

据NHK报道,位于宫城县的气仙沼镇是一个有着70000万人的小镇,现在正陷入一片火海。Much of Kesennuma, a town of 70, 000 people in Miyagi prefecture, was ablaze, NHK said.

“停在路上的汽车全都被一路冲到了车站,”一位当地居民告诉NHK的记者。"Cars that were parked on the road got all washed away all the way to the station, " one resident told NHK.

日本NHK电视台说,受灾害造成的死亡人数目前确认为1,596位。Japanese broadcaster NHK says the total number of confirmed deaths caused by the disaster now stands at 1,596.

据日本NHK电视台报道,强台风”塔拉斯”已造成日本至少27人死亡,50余人失踪。Powerful Typhoon Talas pummeled Japan leaving at least 27 people dead and more than 50 unaccounted for, NHK reported.

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据日本广播公司NHK报道,港口城市宫城有近10000人下落不明。in the port town of Minamisanriku,nearly 10,000 people were unaccounted for, according to the public broadcaster NHK.

据日本广播协会报道,高知县四万十市一名老人19日下午被河水卷走失踪。According to Japanese broadcaster NHK reported, Kochi Shimanto City, an old man swept away by the river the afternoon of 19 missing.

日本NHK电视台的画面显示的碎片填充水大量激增扫除建筑,汽车,船舶,达成深入内陆。Japan's NHK television showed a massive surge of debris-filled water sweeping away buildings, cars and ships and reaching far inland.

NHK电视台传送的空中图片,洪水淹没机场,幸存者都聚集在主建筑的房顶。NHK television transmitted aerial images of flood waters engulfing the airport, where survivors clustered on the roof of the main building.

在周四地震后,日本广播协会的播音员在日本公众广播中告诉沿海的居民向高地转移,远离海岸。Announcers on Japan's public broadcaster NHK told coastal residents to run to higher ground and away from the shore after the quake hit on Thursday.

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日本NHK电视台报道,一个被海啸席卷走大型船舶直接撞向在宫城县气仙沼市的防波堤。Public broadcaster NHK reported that a large ship swept away by the tsunami rammed directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture.

NHK公众广播报道称,至少有12架高压水枪车驻扎进场地,以保证可以从地面对反应器注水。Public broadcaster NHK reported that at least 12 water-cannon trucks would be brought in, so that forces could try to douse the reactor from the ground

据日本广播协会NHK报道,一艘被海啸冲走的大船直接撞向了东京台场气仙沼市的防波堤。A large ship swept away by the tsunamirammed directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in Miyagiprefecture, according to footage on public broadcaster NHK.

岩手县的陆前高田镇几乎被全部浸没。日本广播协会NHK播报,战士们已在该镇发现了数百具尸体。The town of Rikuzentakada, Iwate prefecture, was almost completely submerged. Japanese broadcaster NHK reported that soldiers had found hundreds of bodies there.

环球网记者王欢报道据日本NHK电视台3月13日消息,日本气象厅13日下午宣布解除所有海啸警报。Global Network reporter Wang Huan NHK television reported, according to Japanese news March 13, 13, the Japan Meteorological Agency lifted all tsunami warnings afternoon.

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部队正运输爱国者3型导弹于周日早些时候离开日本中部,预计于周一到达北部地区,据NHK报道。Units carrying Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missiles left a base in central Japan early on Sunday and expected to arrive at the northern prefectures on Monday, NHK said.

天吾的父亲是NHK公司负责上门收费的收款员,周日的时候会拉着儿子跟他一起到各家各户去收电视有线费。His father was a debt-collector who rounded up licence fees for the NHK television network, dragging his son along with him on Sundays as he called on households door-to-door.

日本公共广播公司NHK对熊猫的抵达进行了实况转播,包括飞机降落在跑道上以及装有两只大熊猫的笼子从飞机上下来的场景。The scene of their arrival at the airport, with an aircraft landing on the runway and their cages taken out of the plane, was broadcast live on Japan's public broadcaster NHK.