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轮式皮革贴边。Wheeled leather welt.

鸟在天空中盘旋。Birds wheeled in the sky.

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这个修女把婴儿推出去了。The nun wheeled the baby out.

护士把桌子推了过来。The nurse wheeled the table up.

护士用推车把饭送来了。The nurse wheeled the dinner up.

侍者推来了甜点车。The waiter wheeled in a sweet trolley.

他们拨转马头离开了。They wheeled their horses around and left.

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母亲用小车推着婴儿在公园游玩。The mother wheeled the baby round the park.

你们应该都有轮式行李箱吧,对吗?You probably own a wheeled suitcase, right?

跳舞的人们在舞场的地板上优美地旋转。Dancers wheeled gracefully on the ballroom floor.

有一个人抢走了一个带轮子的镀金鸡尾酒餐车。One hauled off a gold-plated, wheeled cocktail cart.

他从我家大门口把我的自行车推走了。He wheeled my bicycle away from the front of my gate.

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他的“冲击波加农炮”出场发射空炮。His Shockwave Cannon wheeled about and exploded raw air.

他拨转马头,策马驰过田野。He wheeled his horse about and galloped across the field.

去年夏天,我们乘车去北京游长城。Last summer, we wheeled to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.

总之,有意思的是轮式行李箱,在1972年问世了。Anyway, it's interesting the wheeled suitcase came in in 1972.

另外,你可以从其正面上下车。Also you can hop in and out of the two wheeled car from the front.

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于是,我把它推出小棚,仍作为房舍的一景。So i wheeled it over to the shed ,still within sight of the house.

这就是为什么有轮子的提包受到那些经常坐飞机的人欢迎的原因。That’s why wheeled bags are so popular with the frequent-flyer crowd.

这种机器人同时也能够安装在轮式平台上,像半人马座那样。The robot could also be mounted, Centaur-like, on a wheeled platform.