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它只是你的交割日。It is simply your Continuation Day.

每个标记都只是个延续。But every badging is only a continuation.

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这课是上一课的延续部分。This lesson is a continuation of our last lesson.

框架可以在任何时候恢复任何延续。The framework can restore any continuation at any time.

同相轴的一种假想延拓。An interpretation of the presumed continuation of an event.

戈巴契夫的死亡影响了太空竞赛的继续。Gorbachev's death influenced the continuation of the space race.

我在某处发现了这个的续篇,现在发在这里。I found this continuation somewhere, and now I'm posting it here.

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补习班招生已满额。The continuation class has already fulfilled its enrolment quota.

以迁西县为例,对退耕还林的可持续性进行了研究。The study of the continuation in Qianxi was selected as a study case.

本文是“成功恋爱”系列的续篇。This article is a continuation of our “Successful Relationship” series.

我们决不可容忍继续违反一项达成的谅解。We will not tolerate a continuation of a violation of an understanding.

南洋理工大学里的西洋文化可成为南大的续办吗?Can the English culture in NTU be regarded as a true continuation of NU?

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continuation类似于冻结的线程,如果你愿意还可以称其为快照。A continuation is like a thread frozen in time, a snap-shot if you will.

一个是一个与格里马尔迪集团为期三年的协议的延续。One was a continuation of a three-year agreement with the Grimaldi Group.

中国革命是伟大的十月革命的继续。The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.

红楼再续多狗尾续貂,反映了复杂的心态,研究它仍有意义。The continuation of "the Red Mansion" is still meaningful to study on it.

最三不朽象征承接该男子的妻子爱。Most eternities symbolise the continuation of the man's love for his wife.

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延续Drools项目中当前Guvnor仓库部分的功能。Continuation of the Guvnor repository currently part of the Drools project.

最后,提出了提升淮河流域农业可持续发展能力的对策与建议。In the last, we give some suggestions to raise their continuation property.

途胜在外观上依然延续了动感时尚的设计风格。Tucson appearance in a dynamic fashion is still continuation of the design.