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他总是调戏女孩子。He always dalliance the girls.

在约旦,这个是一个调情的手势。In Jordan, this is a shortcut to signal interest in a dalliance.

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在青山绿水中徜徉,你完全可与大自然交融在一起。Dalliance mountains in China, you can completely blend together with nature.

虽然短期收益的确诱人,但与已婚上司性调戏是很危险的。While the short term gains can be alluring, a sexual dalliance with a married boss is dangerous.

在他的回忆录中,他将放下调戏与白宫女实习生到最坏的所有可能的动机。In his memoir, he would put down his dalliance with a White House intern to the worst of all possible motives.

我可以肯定地说,特里真正错误在于试图阻止媒体小报们报道他的这遭出轨。No, Mr Terry's real offence was, I am sure, to try to prevent his alleged dalliance being reported by the tabloids.

我的母亲被迫一反常态地去“呼叫时尚”,也许正是意味着她对父亲的厮混有所察觉。My mother had to go out of her way to the Dial-a-Style, which probably meant that she suspected my father's dalliance.

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不过,最后还是被一个在有着18个船位的海洋村码头工作的小伙子抢了先。There was, however, one dalliance that continues to intrigue the old salts who worked on the 18-berth vessels at Ocean Village Marina.

当下的新新人类常用“马子”一词指称女朋友或情人,一些表示追逐、寻觅、玩弄或调戏女性行为的词语也随之而生。The new generation always calls their girl friends or sweeties Mazi, and it causes some words arid expressions that denote philandering and dalliance.

但是因反托马斯当局的不赞成,他们的联盟落空。entered into an advertising dalliance with Google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement.

他才是本位继承人,金胖子是他老爸和一个女仆调情后生下的私生子。讽刺的是,这些将军们想要金胖子,因为他们认为他们可以控制他。He was the direct heir, fatboy was an illegitimate result of a dalliance with a maid. Ironically, the generals wanted fat boy because they thought they could control him.

雅虎之后曾尝试与谷歌进行广告业务合作,但遭到反托拉斯的政府的反对。Instead Yahoo! entered into an advertising dalliance with Google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement.

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根据美国国家航空和宇宙航行局轨道运行哈勃太空望远镜新收集的数据,大仙女星座的美丽少许源自亿年前与另一星系的嬉戏。The great Andromeda Galaxy owes a bit of its beauty to a dalliance with another galaxy billions of years ago, according to new data gathered with NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope.