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约克镇战役对美国人来说是一次伟大的胜利。The Battle of Yorktown was a big victory for the Americans.

马塞诸塞州第一军队在约克敦附近进攻叛军。Charge of the First Massachusetts Regiment on a Rebel Rifle Pit Near Yorktown.

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麦克莱伦将军决定等待,因为他不想在没有这些大炮的情况下进攻约克镇。McClellan decided to wait. He did not want to attack Yorktown without artillery.

美国IBM公司已经研发出世界上最小的固态光发射器。IBM, Yorktown Heights, N. Y, has created the world's smallest solid-state light emitter.

最终于1781年在联盟军法国的帮助下迫使英军于月可真康华里投降。Finally in 1781 with the aid of French allies--he forced the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.

约克敦之围中的英勇表现使得范·科特兰上校晋升为准将。Colonel van Cortlandt was promoted to brigadier general following acts of valour at the Siege of Yorktown.

法国积极参加美国的双边行动以对抗英国1781年的约克镇战役。French forces joined the Americans in a bilateral action against the British at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.

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根据麦克莱伦向华盛顿的报告,麦克莱伦声称在约克镇和威廉斯堡取得了巨大的胜利,然而,他错了。In his reports to Washington, McClellan claimed great victories at Yorktown and Williamsburg. Yet he was worried.

1781年8月底,法国海军封锁了约克镇,使得英国援军不能前来救援康沃利斯。By late August 1781, French ships had blockaded Yorktown so that no British reinforcements could reach Cornwallis.

这场胜利的代价是“约克城”号和一艘驱逐舰,但是中途岛海战本身却在一夜之间改变了太平洋战争的局面。The victory cost the Yorktown and a destroyer, but Midway changed the complexion of the Pacific War literally overnight.

从F6F-5地狱猫战斗机的机舱内,约克城号的飞行中队指挥官赫布霍克指挥着中队的飞机。From the cockpit of his F6F-5 Hellcat fighter, Yorktown air group commander Herb Houck was directing the planes of his group.

1781年的今天,独立战争中的美军,在法国舰队的支持下,开始围攻弗吉尼亚州的约克镇高地.。In 1781, American forces in the Revolutionary War, backed by a French fleet, began their siege of Yorktown Heights, Virginia.

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在近代,詹姆斯敦是构成弗吉尼亚历史三角的三个地方之一,其他两个地方分别是威廉斯堡和约克敦。In modern times, Jamestown is one of three locations comprising the Historic Triangle of Colonial Virginia, along with Williamsburg and Yorktown.

法国的参与对战争起了决定性的作用,1781年法国海军在切萨皮克的胜利致使约克镇的第二英国军投降。French involvement proved decisive, with a French naval victory in the Chesapeake leading at Yorktown in 1781 to the surrender of a second British army.

1781年在约克镇举行的投降百年周年纪念日,已对半岛殖民地历史意义产生了的新关系。The 100th anniversary of the Surrender at Yorktown in 1781 had generated a new interest in the historical significance of the colonial sites of the Peninsula.

动静结合,F6F在约克郡号航母上起飞,螺旋桨的移动形成了一道围绕着飞机的光环。Dynamic static. The motion of its props causes an 'aura' to form around this F6F on USS YORKTOWN. Rotating with blades, halo moves aft, giving depth and perspective.

这些成就是IBM公司设在日本大和雅马拓公司和美国纽约约克敦海茨科研小组在光学、液晶化学和微电子学领域逐步取得科技进步的结果。This achievement has come as a result of gradual improvements in optics, liquid-crystal chemistry and microelectronics made by IBM groups in Yamato, Japan, and Yorktown Heights, New York.