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他是地狱中最H的领主。He is the hest lord in hell.

MRI检查是最佳的影像学检查方法。The MRI is the hest image examination.

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比赛到下半场时才激烈起来。The game did not hest up until the second half.

听到希斯特发出低低的埋怨声,他终于开火了。A low murmur from Hest produced a sudden impulse, and he fired.

尽量不要跟他们过不去。跟他们过不去只会让情况变得更糟。Do your hest not to be too thrown by them, that only makes it worse.

本文介绍了一个基于元逻辑程序设计的专家系统工具HEST。The paper discusses an expert systems tool based on meta-logic-pro-gramming, HEST.

它的推理机制灵活而实用,控制方便。The inference mechanism in HEST is flexible and practical and the inference control is convenient.

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总体来看,以笋尖部品质较高,其次是笋中部,基部最差。Overall, the tip of shoot was the hest in quality, then the middle part, and the base part of shoot was the worst.

提出只要选用合适的泵和适当的输油工艺参数就可以避免气阻。It is pointed out that the hest method to eliminate air-lock is to adopt proper pump and correct transportation parameters.

结论由最佳处方制备的塔斯品碱脂质体,粒径均匀,包封率较高。CONCLUSION The taspine liposome prepared according to the hest formulation has good morphological characteristics and high entrapment efficiency.

在人们理解了温度的概念以后,又经过多年的科学研究确定了热的真正性质。After the concept of temperature became understood, there were many years of scientific development before the read nature of hest was established.

结论注射用血凝酶和白眉蛇毒血凝酶是经尿道前列腺电切术后费用-效益比较佳的止血药。CONCLUSION Hemocoagulase atrox and hemocoagulase are the rather hest hemostatics after transurethral resection of prostate for prostatic hyperplasia patients.

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炉前热分析快速检测的结果传输给上位机,然后它自动进行最优化配料计算。The results of high-speed hest analysis test before cupola are transferred to upper-computer, and being automatically carried out for optimum burden computation.

通过实验,研究了泡沫捕捉粉尘不同方式与过程,得出了最优捕捉粉尘的方式、泡沫破裂时间与捕尘量的关系。Experiments are done to find the different and the hest wars foam catches dust, the relation between the time of foam exiting and the quantity of dust being caught.

本文讨论多种知识表示模式结合的一些问题,并设计了一个面向逻辑函数相结合的知识表示语言的抽象机。This paper discusses some problems about the combination of multiple knowledge representation paradigms, and describes the implementation of the abstract machine of the HEST.

ESWL治疗失败后,输尿管上段结石首选输尿管切开取石术,输尿管下段结石首选输尿管镜下钬激光碎石术。Ureterolithotomy is thy best way for upper segment ureteral calculi and ureterocystoscope with holmium is the hest way for middle or lower segment ureteral calculi when ESWL fails.

人力资源管理实践形成论坛,确保员工参与组织的活动,努力实现自己的目标。Those who support either side of the human resource management approaches argue that both approaches, hest fit and best practice, will help an organization to achieve its goals and objectives.