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我看见15块积木。I see fifteen blocks.

一千五百多年前。Fifteen hundred years ago.

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让我们来数一到十五。Let's count one to fifteen.

让我们再学一遍第十五课。Let's restudy Lesson Fifteen.

我三点十五分时和你会面。I’ll see you at three fifteen.

比老妈年轻十五岁。Fifteen years younger than mam.

别提十年或者十五年聚会了。not to mention ten and fifteen.

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十五年卒,年七十六。Fifteen years, seventy-six years.

我缝了十五针。I had fifteen stitches put in it.

五加十五是二十。Five and fifteen add up to twenty.

你看到多少块积木?I see fifteen blocks on the table!

气温是零下十五度.It was fifteen degrees below zero.

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大概十到十五分钟一班。About every ten or fifteen minutes.

贝特和南有十五岁了。Bet and Nan were fifteen years old.

他花一万五千美元买了那辆汽车。He paid fifteen grand for that car.

五加五再加五等于十五。Fifteen is five plus five plus five.

他们的年龄是十六和十五。Their ages were sixteen and fifteen.

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十五分钟!谢谢你。再见。Fifteen minutes! Thank you. Good-bye.

这张约宽十五厘米。The paper be fifteen centimetre wide.

我也一度曾算新闻人物,有料。I had my fifteen minutes of news-fame.