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相信我,我是一名实习生。Trust me, I’m an intern.

这个新来的实习生有一点爱戏闹。The new intern is a little frisky.

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宝拉,这是李迈可,我们新来的实习员。Paula, this is Michael Lee, our new intern.

去年夏天我在嗰家商倁实习。I went as an intern in that tight last summer.

今天我在护理院实习,一个小孩子老是摸我的胸。Today, I was working as an intern at a day care.

去年夏天我在那所学校实习。I worked as an intern in that school last summer.

实习医师继续说道“我认为她其实就是痔疮而已”The intern continued, "I think she has a hemorrhoid."

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“我们根本无能为力了,”实习生伤感地说道。“Nothing much for us to do, ” the intern said grimly.

你还在一家私人侦探所当过实习生。You worked as an intern for a private detective as well.

终于,Hanan找到了一个能够跟得上她的步伐的实习生。Finally, Hanan's found an intern who can keep up with her.

2010年夏天,当时我正在亚洲微软研究院实习。June of 2010, I was working in Microsoft R&D as an intern.

“停”我们车间的实习生停止了挥舞。"Stop! " Our shop's trade-school intern froze in mid-swing.

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他们所要做的其实就是在居家企业里实习一个周末。All they have to do is intern at your home biz for a weekend.

可这是美国总统啊,而她自己只是一个实习生,但是,她仍然觉得自己在两人的暧昧关系扮演着母亲的角色。This is the President of the United States. She was an intern.

“我曾经就是一个无薪的实习生,我觉得这没什么,”他说到。“I was an unpaid intern and I had no problem with it, ” he said.

他的老板有丰富的国际贸易知识。His boss have a wealth of knowledge about intern ation al tr ade.

这两个小年轻看似有可能牵手,可是Daisy这个生涩的实习生真的适合当五月新娘的料么?Maybe, but this newbie intern is hardly May sweeps bride material.

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他们一边喝着啤酒,一边回顾蔡德鲁的实习表现。Over a few beers, they'dreviewed Capra's performance as an intern.

现在这位19岁的黑客宣布自己已经被苹果雇佣为实习生。Now the 19-year-old claims he has been hired as an intern at Apple.

四通道差分驱动。实习生。术语。没有。浪涌保护是。Quad differential driver. Intern. term. none. Surge-protection yes.