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有点像最早开始进化的始祖鸟。This is like the Archaeopteryx of primate evolution.

古生物学家还讨论了始祖鸟是否会飞的问题。Paleontologists also debated whether Archaeopteryx could fly.

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而且,恐爪龙的骨骼结构与始祖鸟很相似。Moreover, its bone structure was similar to that of Archaeopteryx.

今天的某些古生物学家认为始祖鸟可能是一种带有羽毛的非鸟恐龙Some paleontologists now say Archaeopteryx may have been a feathered non-avian dinosaur.

一八六二年德国巴伐利亚州最早发现始祖鸟时,曾轰动全球。In1862at the earliest finding of archaeopteryx the state of bavaria germany the whole world.

一八六二年德国巴伐利亚州最早发现始祖鸟时,曾轰动全球。In 1862 at the earliest finding of archaeopteryx in the state of Bavaria, Germany, it stirred the whole world.

和带有腿部的古鲸类化石一样,始祖鸟化石似乎捕捉到了关键进化形变中的某个瞬间。Like fossils of whales with legs, Archaeopteryx seemed to capture a moment in a critical evolutionary metamorphosis.

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始祖鸟,一种曾经被广泛认为是世界上最古老的鸟类,从它原本的科学地位上踢了下来,因为最新的研究结果显示这种覆盖着羽毛的动物,其实是一种恐龙。With Archaeopteryx likely removed from the bird family tree, a few other prehistoric species now become the world's oldest known birds.

“如果始祖鸟是在今天发现的,我觉得古生物学家们肯定不会说它是鸟类,其实它就是一种带羽毛的恐龙,”卡里诺说。"If Archaeopteryx were discovered today, I don't think you would call it a bird. You would call it a feathered dinosaur," says Carrano.

“如果始祖鸟是在今天发现的,我觉得古生物学家们肯定不会说它是鸟类,其实它就是一种带羽毛的恐龙,”卡里诺说。"If Archaeopteryx were discovered today, I don't think you would call it a bird. You would call it a feathered dinosaur, " says Carrano.

另据悉,中国科学家将这类始祖鸟化石暂定名为“神州始祖鸟”。According to another report, Chinese scientists have temporarily named this type of archaeopteryx fossil "the Divine Land Archaeopteryx".

他在提醒注意的评注里补充,下一个在中国发掘出的长有羽毛的化石能简易地把最高的地位归还给“始祖鸟”。On a cautionary note, he adds that the next feathered fossil unearthed in China could easily restore the premier status of Archaeopteryx.

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可能‘始祖鸟’不在鸟类的直系血缘上,但它从某些程度上说是早期实验如何构建像鸟一样的身躯的一部分。Maybe Archaeopteryx wasn't on the direct ancestral line to birds, but was part of an early experimentation in how to build a bird-like body.

事实是,下一次的化石发现能把‘始祖鸟’踢回鸟类的行列里,那可真是在关于这全部的事情里最令人兴奋的呢!The reality is, that next fossil find could kick Archaeopteryx right back into birds. That's the thing that's really exciting about all of this.

“始祖鸟”在科学界有着神圣的地位,长久以来不仅被致敬为第一只鸟,同时也被看作动作进化史上最聪明的例子。Archaeopteryx has a hallowed place in science, long hailed as not just the first bird but as one of the clearest examples of evolution in action.

150年来,一个物种叫“始祖鸟”已经被当作是第一只真正的鸟,代表着从恐龙进化后的一大步。For 150 years, a species called Archaeopteryx has been regarded as the first true bird, representing a major evolutionary step away from dinosaurs.

可能已经是时候最终接受‘始祖鸟’只是又一只在侏罗纪时期飞来飞去的长有羽毛的像鸟类的小兽脚亚目食肉恐龙了。Perhaps the time has come to finally accept that archaeopteryx was just another small, feathered, bird-like theropod fluttering around in the Jurassic.

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来自英国布里斯托尔大学的麦克·本唐教授,认同这块新化石是在已被发现的化石中,和“始祖鸟”具有最靠近的亲缘关系。Prof Mike Benton from the University of Bristol, UK, agrees that the new fossil is about the closest relative to Archaeopteryx that has yet been found.

而这次始祖鸟化石的发现,比先前发现的鸟化石时代更早,层位元更低,特征更加原始。However this find of archaeopteryx fossils are from a much earlier age lower in stratus and more primitive in features than previously discovered archaeopteryx.

威特默补充道,随着“始祖鸟”的退位,更多最近发现的化石成为了竞争“世界最古老的鸟”的候选,包括“胡氏耀龙”、“热河鸟”、“会鸟”。Witmer adds that with Archaeopteryx dethroned, more recently discovered fossils, including Epidexipteryx, Jeholornis and Sapeornis, become candidates for the world's oldest bird.