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领域广大。The domain is vast.

十亿元是一笔巨款。It is a vast desert.

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灾民的需求是巨大的。And, the needs are vast.

五绝四海云茫茫。The sea of clouds is vast.

思考空间也许很辽阔。Thinking space may be vast.

去到长天的尽头。To the end of the vast sky.

我看它真的是红红的一片!What a vast expanse of red!

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王欲玉女、是用大谏。Your work is vast and great.

她依法占有大片地产。She was seized of vast estates.

距离之大,不可思议。Vast distances boggle the mind.

南方联盟军穿灰色制服。Confederate army was a vast gray.

又是如此庞大,可以喝干河水。So vast it drinks the rivers dry.

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这些公司的涉及范围很广。The reach of these firms is vast.

明天,我们将搏击长空!Tomorrow, we'll wrestle vast sky!

辽阔的草场向东伸展。Vast meadows stretch to the east.

她曾统治过一个版图辽阔的帝国。She once ruled over a vast empire.

我们看到了一个非常广阔的前景。We just see this vast opening now.

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请给我们施行扩心手术Give us vast and open-heart surgery

在百特的浩瀚天穹下。Under Baxter vast vaults of heaven.

才有今日流入人海茫茫。So today into the vast sea of faces.