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他曾经是埃里克松不称职的受害者,但他能为新教练带来很多。There are also several you can't, notably ineptitude and bad luck.

并非所有笑话都瞄着性和领导人的愚蠢。But not all jokes are about sex or the ineptitude of the leadership.

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他曾经是埃里克松不称职的受害者,但他能为新教练带来很多。He was a victim of Sven's ineptitude , but has plenty to offer the new boss.

记性衰退被归为成年人机能失效的罪魁祸首。Technological ineptitude in the prime of adulthood is ascribed to memory failure.

比较一下史蒂夫.麦克拉伦枯燥无味的无能和穆里尼奥完全付诸行动的战术才能。Compare the insipid ineptitude of Steve McClaren with Mourinho's all-action tactical acumen.

以下是第二届年度“闲说奖”获奖名单,授予那些在人类愚行领域取得杰出成就的人士。Here are the second annual Meanie Awards for outstanding achievement in the field of human ineptitude.

我们也忘记了在英国,工党政府的浪费和无能总会将我们带到毁灭的边缘。We forgot too in Britain that Labour government profligacy and ineptitude will ever bring us to the point of ruin.

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现在这种抱怨逐步变成了一种恶毒的讽刺,其“州长布兰科的家庭重建计划”成了政府不称职的同义词。The grousing turned to malicious laughter as "Governor Blanco's Road Home Programme" became a synonym for official ineptitude.

“整个筹划战后伊拉克的过程”,他写道,“被无能、拙劣的组织和冷漠困扰。”"The entire process of planning for a post-war Iraq", he writes, "was mired in ineptitude , poor organisation and indifference.

如果你再多赢两场或更多场比赛将使我们丧失外卡的名额,所以说真的,我们能有今天是因为你完全打不赢我们。Had you won even two more games it would have cost us the wild card, so really, we're here because of you're complete ineptitude against us.

但是应对这场墨西哥湾危机,奥巴马政府并未采取相应的行动,相反只是摆出一种无能为力的态势。But his administration sure didn't act like it. Instead the federal government responded to the crisis in the gulf with ineptitude and inattention.

现在的儿童保护部门条件可能更好,但是批评人士声称,官僚主义、腐败和蹒跚的改革依然使得很多孩子得不到国家保护。Care may be more friendly now, but critics say bureaucracy, corruption and ineptitude hobble reforms, while many children still have no state protection.

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对于印度新兴的中产阶级,作为英联邦运动会的最多的观众,官方无能和腐败的报道让他们难以接受。For India's burgeoning middle class, the Commonwealth Games' natural audience, daily reminders of official ineptitude and corruption are hard to swallow.

戈麦兹后来回忆说,即便如此,男孩仍尽力让“大家都不要觉得他可怜,不要知道他的妈妈不称职。”Even so, Garmezy would later recall, the boy wanted to make sure that "no one would feel pity for him and no one would know the ineptitude of his mother."

这真是一部让人开心的电影,如果看过预告片,你就知道,这可能是对官僚主义的无能最有力的讽刺。If you've seen the trailer for this delightfulmovie you've already had a taste of what might be the greatest takedown of bureaucratic ineptitude ever filmed.

铁道部关于在这次事故中表现的不称职引起了民众的愤慨,他们救援不利并急于重开线路。That disaster sparked widespread outrage at the ineptitude of rail officials who appeared to bungle the rescue effort and then rushed to reopen the rail line.

同时他也想谈论的是,相对于我们自身的死亡和伟大恒久的大自然,人类的无能及渺小。He also wishes to comment upon the ineptitude and insignificance of human beings in relation to our own mortality and the magnificence and endlessness of nature.

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但??诚实的思维习惯,这种思维习惯如此他令人惬意和自在,就象沦为智力低能一样。But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.

是不去想谎言,也不陷入无意识的、不诚实的思维习惯,这种思维习惯如此他令人惬意和自在,就象沦为智力低能一样。But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.

同时,金融危机调查委员会的陪审员指控了几家金经融机构的贪婪,失职或二者兼具,其中某些最重要的结论是政府政策的失败,暗指令人尴尬的双方当事人。accuses several financial institutions of greed, ineptitude or both, some of its gravest conclusions concern government failings, with embarrassing implications for both parties.