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谢谢你,艾瑞斯。Thank you, Iris.

一列火车在这鸢尾花里。A train inside this iris.

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不要给鸢尾兰浇水。Do not water the bearded iris.

岸边的鸢尾花也是这种颜色。Such is the color of its iris.

你为什么帮我解救艾里斯?Why did you help me free Iris?

鸢尾科鸢尾属。Iridaceous iris is belonged to.

我提议帮忙,可艾里斯拒绝了。I offered to help but Iris refused.

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那天晚上,艾瑞斯又打电话给杰克。That night Iris rang up Jack again.

法国的国花是鸢尾花。Iris is the national flower of France.

虹膜固定在睫状体上。The iris is fixed to the ciliary body.

艾丽斯用谦逊的言词为自己辩解。Iris excused herself with humble words.

那门前美丽的蝴蝶花。The beautiful iris in front of the door.

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艾瑞斯告诉哥德费雷,她的老鼠跑了。Iris told Godfrey her mouse had run away.

一只白鼻心躺在鸢尾兰区。A possum laid down the bearded iris field.

颖贤是一个有干劲和外向的学生。Iris is an energetic and outgoing student.

虹膜的开口处叫做瞳孔。The opening of the iris is called the pupil.

麝香,鸢尾花,玫瑰,安息香。Musk, Iris Powder, Rose Petals, Benzoin Balm.

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艾莉丝和吉姆继续谈论那部电影。Iris and Jim continue talking about the movie.

鸢尾花为蓝紫色,花形似翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。Iris was a pretty butterfly in blue and purple.

它被卖给啦英格兰西福德地依瑞斯弗罗斯特。She was sold to Iris Frost in Seaford, England.