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历史既公正,又无情。History is both fair and unmerciful.

他们聊了一个过分长的时间。They chatted for an unmerciful length of time.

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无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontal eminence.

时间是心中的一滴水,干涸,那是随即而至的解构过程。However, time just pass. Being unmerciful to any individual life.

我听说那个老师对参加考试的学生毫不留情。I heard that that teacher was unmerciful to the students on the exam.

滤光灯放出蓝色的寒光,无情地把我们照了个一清二楚。The filtered light, bluish and cold, lighted us up with unmerciful clarity.

也许这正折射了命运的无常吧,而无常未必是坏事。Maybe that is fate, uncertain, unmerciful , but hard to predict. Things are not always bad.

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无情的现实苍白了忽视“责任”的誓言。Those promises paled when facing the unmerciful fact, for they didn't notice the "responsibility".

在命运竞技场里每个人的血都在咆哮,彼此进行着疯狂无情的战斗!With the crowd shouting for blood, the battles will be furious and unmerciful in the Arena of Doom!

梦想是美好的,现实是残酷的,有时命运把握在自己手中,却无法去改变。Dream is gorgeous when the fact is unmerciful. Sometimes fate is in we have hors , but we only can't alter it.

你们看到了一只凶恶的、贪婪的、残忍的金融狼,俯视着一只畏缩的、朴实的商业羊。You have a vicious, greedy, unmerciful financial wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial Lamb.

耶稣用22节的话语和一个不饶恕人的恶仆的比喻回答了彼得的提问。它们怎样回答彼得的问题?Jesus answers Peter's question with the words of verse 22 and with the words of The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. How do they answer Peter's question?

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请看看农场动物遭受的痛苦,看看数十亿动物是怎样在苦难中成长,又是怎样在残忍的屠刀下结束自己生命的。Please be aware of suffering of farm animals, and how so many billions of them are raised in unmerciful ways, ending their lives in cruel methods of slaughter.

日本手机行业的竞争也很激烈,国内三大运营商为了吸引用户一直在努力寻求新的策略。Japan too has unmerciful emulation in mobile telephones, jean diesel, with three cardinal companies constantly trying to ascertain new stimuli to snare consumers.

这一最为冷酷、最无慈悲的“司法杀人”,自其诞生于奴隶社会以来,在古老而沉重的历史长河中一直位居榜首,直至近世。Since being born in the slave society, the most unmerciful and cruelest behaviour has always been in the top in the ancient and heavy history river, until modern time.

他饱蘸博爱的浓墨为世界这个无情者书写着忠诚,为反复无常的生活充当着情人,没有谁像他那样对世界奉献着爱。His caritative articles well expressed his loyalty to the unmerciful world and his role of lover to the inconstant daily life. No one devotes his love to the world than him.