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来自德干河的印度半岛向上到克里希纳河河流域。India from Deccan rivers up to Krishna river system.

在豪华旅游列车的车轮宫,德干奥德赛,黄金战车。Travel in Luxury Trains Palace on Wheels, Deccan Odyssey, Golden Chariot.

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南印度半岛几乎全部由德干平原组成。The southern Indian peninsula is almost entirely composed of the Deccan plateau.

然而,这两个大型青铜器都是非同寻常的德干在同一时期。However, these two bronzes are unusually large for the Deccan in the same period.

在这场恐怖袭击中,一个名为德干圣战组织的恐怖组织声称对此负责。During the attacks, an organization calling itself Deccan Mujaheddin asserted responsibility in an

这些位于德干高原的火山口喷出大量有害气体,有人认为这正是导致恐龙灭绝的原因。Collectively, the Deccan Traps spewed enough noxious gas that some say it was the cause of the extinction.

在印度的德平原上的火山爆发为全球性的变暖提供热源,也加剧了了大规模的灭绝事件。Global warming fueled by volcanic eruptions at the Deccan Flats in India may also have aggravated the event.

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有一种假说认为,徳干火山喷发出的大量二氧化硫有毒气体进入了大气。One theory suggests the Deccan lavas spewed immense amounts of poisonous sulfur dioxide gas into the atmosphere.

但是在德干圣战军背后可能有印度包括邻邦巴基斯坦的其他集团。But there are a number of groups in India that could be behind the Deccan Mujahideen, including groups from neighboring Pakistan.

戈皮纳特先生预计,如果德干航空能说服这些消费者乘坐飞机,那么在头12个月内,将会有70万人乘坐德干航空的航班。If Air Deccan can persuade these consumers to fly, Mr Gopinath expects 700,000 of them to board his flights in the first 12 months.

一个之前不知名的自称“德干圣战者”的组织向当地媒体发送电子邮件,声称对该起恐怖袭击负责。A previously unknown group calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen claimed responsibility for the attacks, in emails to local media outlets.

一个之前鲜为人知的称自己为德干圣战军的集团向媒体发出电子邮件声称对此次恐怖袭击事件负责。A previously unknown group calling itself Deccan Mujahideen sent out e-mails to media organizations claiming responsibility for the attack.

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上述假说甚至认为,印度徳干火山的喷发是由墨西哥希克苏鲁伯撞击事件引发的,小行星撞击造成的超级地震波及全球,引起了大范围的火山喷发。It's even been suggested that the Chicxulub impact caused the Deccan Traps to erupt, by way of a huge earthquake that rippled through the planet.

影响德干高原的难耐酷热已经转移到印度洋,留下北部舒适清凉、南部倦怠温暖的南亚次大陆。The oppressive heat of the Deccan plateau has moved over the Indian Ocean, leaving a subcontinent with a pleasantly cool north and a languorously warm south.

尽管自称为”德干圣战”的组织联系电视台宣称对恐怖袭击负责,但这个在此之前不为人知的组织是否为真凶还有待确认。It was uncertain who was responsible, though a previously unknown group calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen had contacted television stations to claim credit.

因此,查特基博士认为,一个直径40千米的物体在印度海岸撞击地球,造成德干地盾喷发大量熔岩。Dr Chatterjee therefore suggests that an object 40km in diameter hit the Earth off the coast of India and forced vast quantities of lava out of the Deccan Traps.

相反地,他们说,烟雾的来源可能是大型火山喷发,比如那些在印度南部高原德干地区的火山爆发,它们的爆发在历史上时间点也刚刚好。Rather, they say, the source might have been massive volcanoes, like the ones that blew in the Deccan Traps in what is now India at just the right point in history.