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苏亚雷斯的生意在苦苦挣扎。The Soares’ business was struggling.

她惨叫着,挣扎着。She screamed, struggling to free herself.

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她真的一直很努力地在学习。and she had really been struggling with it.

他在与他们斗争的过程中耗尽心力。He exhausted himself struggling against them.

电视和数码相机业务还处于厮杀中。Its TV and digital camera units are struggling.

在去罗马的飞机上,他就已经开始费劲了。On the plane to Rome, he was already struggling.

对那些还在挣扎着的父母们,谨此一句祝你们好运。To those struggling parents, I say best of luck.

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不过,他说,他正与自己的良知作斗争。But he says he is struggling with his conscience.

你知道哪一对夫妻闹矛盾吗?Do you know a couple whose marriage is struggling?

挣扎的雄鱼终于释放出他的小鱼。The struggling brooder finally releases his brood.

防线上的埃文斯,司马林和维迪奇依旧在努力康复中Defenders Evans, Smalling and Vidic also struggling

美国政府支持的太阳能公司并非都陷于困境。Not all U.S.-backed solar companies are struggling.

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他注意到自己想要站直是多么艰难。He noted how he was struggling to stand up straight.

这就是我们一直为之奋斗的事业。This is the cause for which we have been struggling.

美国富有的贸易伙伴此刻也是自身难保。America's richer trading partners are struggling too.

多年来,我一直是个离钢琴家很遥远的钢琴演奏者。I have been a struggling piano player for many years.

我奋斗以轮胎木纹和缺乏夹子。I was struggling with tyre graining and lack of grip.

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哥萨克兵死去了,马还在挣扎。The Cossack was dead, the horse was still struggling.

他的一生都在与不公平作斗争。All his life he has been struggling against injustice.

威特斯在挽救陷入困境的零售商方面很有一套。Mr. Wattles has experience with a struggling retailer.