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无可指责的品行You want people of unimpeachable character.

威洛比·帕忒恩是个无可指责的高尚的人。Willoughby Pattern is a man of unimpeachable honour.

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他说这五个都是品格完美无缺的人。He said all five were men of unimpeachable character.

他们最后得到了来源可靠的证据。They finally got evidence from an unimpeachable source.

他要求分别是,如果她的名字和声誉是真正无可指责的。He asks Abigail if her name and reputation are truly unimpeachable.

他在办公室的行为无可指责而且没有什么不良行为记录。Her conduct in office was unimpeachable and her record is spotless.

五年前,格林斯潘从美联储退休,他的名声似乎是无可挑剔的。When Greenspan retired five years ago, his reputation seemed unimpeachable.

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高品质的产品和准确的技术数据是易福门无可指责的价值观。High product quality and accurate technical data are unimpeachable values of ifm.

所罗门·吉尔斯那时正在看他那只完美无缺的精密计时表,看看是什么时候了。Solomon Gills is in the act of seeing what time it is by the unimpeachable chronometer.

特别是今年,他的当选是无懈可击,水到渠成的。This has been a season when everything has come together to make his candidacy unimpeachable.

传说现在即使和信誉卓著的国家之间的交易也开始需要抵押。There is talk of demanding collateral even on deals with formerly unimpeachable sovereign entities.

现在这里就有一个我应该不遗余力地去深爱的孩子,这就是我深爱的孩子。Here, finally, was a child whose right to my devotion was unimpeachable. This was the child of my beloved.

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组建一个有公信力的委员会,世界板球协会也应该仔细检查一下自己的队伍。Set up a board of unimpeachable figures from Pakistan and world cricket to set about overhauling the game in Pakistan.

在三分球和罚球命中率方面也有了长足进步,他已经越来越无懈可击。He made a great progress in trisection ball and the shooting rate of penalty shot , and he is unimpeachable increasingly.

而美国国际集团的破产则令人很为惊讶。因为美国国际集团是一家保险公司,人们长期以来都认为其有无可指摘的信誉。The demise of AIG, an insurance company that was for a long time judged to be an unimpeachable credit, was even more astonishing.

所以,即便马刺在这个系列赛中输给黄蜂,我不认为马刺这一无懈可击的总冠军有力竞争者会退出舞台。So I refuse to believe that the only West contender with unimpeachable championship cred is going away, even if the Spurs can't salvage this New Orleans series.

纽曼非常善于演戏,而我们的朋友雷蒙德,因为著名作家的身份,就被导演成了一个不会引起任何怀疑的目击证人。But a scapegoat was needed, and Kelvin was ideal for the purpose. Newman played his little comedy very well, and our friend Raymond, with his celebrity as a writer, made an unimpeachable witness.

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像所有的变革运动一样,“里根改革”迷失了自己的方向,因为对于许多追随者来说它成为了一种无懈可击的意识形态,而不是对于过度福利国家的经验反应。Like all transformative movements, the Reagan revolution lost its way because for many followers it became an unimpeachable ideology, not a pragmatic response to the excesses of the welfare state.