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辉煌典雅、华丽壮观、象征性强是这次访问第一天的特点。Pomp, pageantry and symbolism mark the first day of this visit.

来吧,请加入我们太平洋的奇幻世界和壮观的人群。Come, join us in the magic of the Pacific and the pageantry of its people.

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他对纳粹德国、纳粹活动和纳粹的象征发展出一种狂热的兴趣。He developed a fascination with Nazi Germany, Nazi pageantry and Nazi symbolism.

它们各自都由集华丽与感染力与一身的图片进行展示。Each one is illustrated with pieces that combine pageantry with emotional appeal.

人的价值在于他的服务与美德,而不在于他拥有的虚浮财宝。Man's merit lieth in service and virtue and not in the pageantry of wealth and riches.

在六年多时间里,我有机会分享了壮观的欧洲历史和文化。For more than six years, I was a partaker of the pageantry of European history and culture.

英国庆祝女王伊丽莎白二世81岁生日的这一天,伦敦空前盛壮。Pomp and pageantry are the order of the day in London as Britain celebrates Queen Elizabeth II 81st birthday.

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所有的这些为参与者们和观看者们营造出一种兴奋、激动和喜悦的节日气氛。All of the noise and pageantry creates an atmosphere of gaiety and excitement for the participants and spectators alike.

不过到了星期二,一切都按原计划进行。由于这是对英国的国事访问,星期二奥巴马夫妇受到英国方面盛大欢迎典礼的接待。But Tuesday they were back on schedule, with a day marked by the pomp and pageantry that typifies state visits to Britain.

海南作为经济特区被允许作为全国试点地区举办比赛。Hainan's status as a special economic zone allowed it to be a testing ground in a country that was relatively new to pageantry.

在这样的氛围里,白金汉宫尽量注意不显得过于奢华,但仍旧保持了一贯的隆重和华丽。In this climate, Buckingham Palace has been mindful of the need to not appear too extravagant, while maintaining the pageantry and pomp that is always demanded of them.

约翰逊称北京奥运会无论是仪式还是设施均令人赞不绝口,但他有勇气接受这个挑战,与北京奥运媲美。Johnson said he was undaunted by the challenge of matching the pageantry of the Beijing Olympics, whose ceremonies and facilities have awed participants and spectators.

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可追溯到一千年以前,典礼的盛况在全世界都可谓是无可比拟的。With origins dating back almost a millennium, the coronation of a British monarch in Westminster Abbey is a piece of national pageantry unmatched anywhere in the world.

在发表讲话和军方举行壮观的欢迎仪式之后,一个舞蹈团来到总统府前地上铺着石头和瓷砖的庭院。After the speeches and military pageantry of the official welcoming ceremony, a troupe of dancers entered the stone and tile courtyard in front of the presidential palace.

昨日一早,爆料网友言之凿凿地称,当时马伊琍第一次出嫁并未走红,但结婚时接新娘放鞭炮的大张旗鼓“小区里很多人都亲眼目睹”。Yesterday morning, the netizen with certainty that, when Ma Yili first married was not popular, but married the bride put firecracker put up a pageantry" area where a lot of people witnessed".

威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿结婚的壮观闪闪发光显示周五,温柔地吻在一个良好的好心人海滨和呼吸进入英国的君主制新的生活陷入困境。Prince William and Kate Middleton married in a glittering display of pageantry Friday, kissing tenderly in front of a sea of well-wishers and breathing new life into Britain's embattled monarchy.