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我哥哥轻蔑的哼了一声。My older brother snorted contemptuously.

他们轻蔑地拒绝了我们的请求。They had rejected our request contemptuously.

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“官吏”这个词在使用时常常带有轻蔑的含义。The word “placeman” is often used contemptuously.

我轻蔑地瞪了他一眼,他赶快掉开头。I stared at him contemptuously and he looked away.

于是他们带着蔑视的口吻,把那些人称之为,中产阶级分子。They would call him somewhat contemptuously the bourgeois.

她说我是个诗人,然后问路者便满脸鄙夷地掉头离开。She said I was a poet and my questioner turned away contemptuously.

博佐不屑地指着五十码远的一个白胡子马路画家。Bozo contemptuously pointed out an old white-bearded screever fifty yards away.

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“癞皮狗,你骂谁?”王胡轻蔑的抬起眼来说。" Mangy dog, who are you calling names?" Whiskers Wang looked up contemptuously.

叛军轻蔑地称ISI为黑腿骗子,因为据称ISI的人全是黑皮肤。The insurgents refer contemptuously to the ISI as “blacklegs, ” for their supposedly darker skin.

“我不该瞎了眼睛,”奎尔普说,轻蔑地看着他“上了一个目光短浅的赌棍的当!”"That I should have been blinded, "said Quilp, looking contemptuously at him, "by a mere shallow gambler! "

政府关闭无视法规的餐馆及公共场所。The government padlocked conspicuous restaurants and resorts where the laws have been contemptuously defied.

很轻蔑,有时候。他总是朝你翻眼睛,就好像你做了什么特别荒谬的事儿似的,他还侮辱你。Contemptuously , sometimes. He rolls his eyes at you like you've said something ridiculous, and he insults you.

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每当有人求婚时,她总要出个谜语让他猜,如果猜不中,她就会轻蔑地把他赶走。If a wooer came she gave him some riddle to guess, and if he could not guess it, he was sent contemptuously away.

同时,克里斯蒂娜鄙视地称林肯是“傻的那个儿子”,而且对迈可如此在乎林肯感到嫌恶。Meanwhile, Christina contemptuously calls Linc "the dumb one" and is sickened that Michael cares for him so much.

他捡起珍珠,迅速地在拇指和食指之间转动着,然后轻蔑地把它扔回到托盘里。He took it up, rolled it quickly between thumb and forefinger, and then cast it contemptuously back into the tray.

他们被蔑称为“异教徒”,因为在他们的礼拜堂里有许多他们崇拜的神像。They were contemptuously called "heathen Chinese" because there were many sacred images in their houses of worship.

中科院高能物理研究所所长陈和生院士同样对反对声嗤之以鼻。Academia Sinica high energy Institute of physics Manager Chen He lives academician to snort contemptuously similarly to the objection.

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在1628年前发表的一篇文章中,这个词也被法国人用来蔑称英国人或英国士兵。In a work published before 1628 the word was also said to have been used contemptuously by the French for an Englishman or an English soldier.

“这就是说,”玛丽安带着轻蔑的口气,大声说道,“他告诉过你,东印度群岛气候炎热,蚊子令人讨厌啦。”"That is to say, " cried Marianne contemptuously , "he has told you, that in the East Indies the climate is hot, and the mosquitoes are troublesome.

当他成为家族的执行军师之后,另一个有权势的西西里家族蔑视地指责科利昂家族,说他们是爱尔兰帮。When he had been made the acting Consigliere, the other powerful Sicilian families referred contemptuously to the Corleone family as the "Irish gang."