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它暴露了全美大学教授联合会正在走下坡路。It reveals the slope on which the AAUP now finds itself.

它暴露了全美大学教授联合会正在走下坡路。The AAUP has many branches at different colleges and universities in the U. S.

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美国大学教授协会发表正式声明,主张丘齐尔有权表达具争议性的意见。The AAUP issued a statement defending his right to express controversial views.

美国大学教授协会表示,他们没有接到任何回应,并已经介入这个案子。An AAUP official said the group never received a response. It has intervened in his case.

但是美国大学教授协会和其他的大学行政官员认为太多的兼职教授意味着较低的教育质量。But the AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality.

他们也说兼职助教能给他们的学生提供更多的处世经验。But the AAUP and other collegeofficalsofficials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality.

但是AAUP和其他大学官员过多的临时副教授也意味着低质量的教育。But the A. A. U. P AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality.

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美国大学教授协会和其他大学行政人员表示,过多的辅助教师意味着更低的教育质量。But the A. A. U. P. AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean low lower educational quality.

本研究对美国教授协会2006年大规模调查所采集的数据进行二手资料分析,样本包括美国1,291所高等院校。This study reanalyzes the data of a large-scale faculty salary survey by AAUP in 2006. The sample covers 1291 universities and colleges in the United States.

但是美国大学教授联合会以及其它大学官员表示过多的兼职教授意味着降低的教育质量,他们表示兼职教授没有足够的时间也不能在课外帮助学生。But the AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality. They say adjuncts do not have the time or support to help students outside class.

尽管在实施中的落实情况不一,美国大学教授协会提出的有关终身教职后评估的实施建议为确保终身教职后评估的顺利进行不可或缺。Although the proposals concerning the conduct of post-tenure review that were put forward by AAUP are being observed differently, they are still indispensable for post-tenure review.

这明确表明,全美大学教授联合会放弃了对构成文科教育以及认可已取得很大进展的大学改革的传统理解。With this formulation, the AAUP jettisons the traditional understanding of what constitutes a liberal education and ratifies a transformation of the university that is already well advanced.

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全美大学教授联合会为其灌输教育辩护到,他们充分认识到,这些新的学科使命,是在课堂上向学生们灌输一种意识形态这一事实。The AAUP has issued its defence of indoctrination fully cognisant of the fact that these new academic disciplines view their mission as using the classroom to instil an ideology in their students.

政治权力可以建立真理的概念,是违反了现代研究型大学的思想基础,美国大学教授协会委员会直言不讳地强调了这一点。The idea that political power can establish truth is a conception so contrary to the intellectual foundations of the modern research university that the AAUP committee could not state it so baldly.