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她喜欢赌博.She likes gambling.

他堕落是因为好赌。Gambling was his ruin.

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第五,赌博行为Five is gambling behavior.

赌博使他负了债。Gambling laid him in debt.

禁绝吸烟、饮酒以及牌赌。No smoking, drinking or gambling.

他赌博输了很多钱。He lost a lot of money in gambling.

彩票也是赌博的一种形式。Lottery is also a form of gambling.

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有些警察纵容赌博。Some policemen connive at gambling.

赌博总是让我紧张兮兮!Gambling always makes me so nervous!

在某些国家里赌钱是合法的。Gambling is legal in some countries.

他赌纸牌输掉了钱。He lost his money gambling at cards.

在赌博上挥霍公钱。Fritter away one's money on gambling.

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因赌博他囊空如洗,身无分文。He got quite cleaned out by gambling.

每个人都谴责他的赌博生涯。Everyone decried his life of gambling.

警察查抄了他们的赌窟。The police raided their gambling house.

他在为他的赌债发愁。He is worrying about his gambling debts.

哪个城市从赌博中获利最多?Which city earns the most from gambling?

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你认为澳门人喜欢赌博吗?。Do you think that Macanese like gambling ?

饮酒和赌博使他彻底堕落了。Drinking and gambling sank him completely.

药物成瘾和赌博诱发犯罪。Drug addiction and gambling induce crimes.