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妻子是个跛子。Wife is a cripple.

他就这样成了一个残废者。He was left a cripple.

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那个年老的残废者亨。That old cripple of a Henn.

取笑瘸子是残忍的。It's cruel to make fun of a cripple.

逗弄瘸子是残忍的。It's cruel to make fun of a cripple.

对嫉恨舞者的残疾呢?What of the cripple who hates dancers?

我们也并非想直接把神圣骑士砍成渣。We're also not trying to cripple Holy paladins.

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他因为意外事故而成了跛子。He became a cripple as a result of the accident.

那个年老的残废者约翰仍在辛勤工作。That old cripple of a John is still working hard.

有个残废人在场,四周的人都会感到不舒服。It makes people kind of uncomfortable to have a cripple around.

这个岗哨似乎为了影响格鲁吉亚的经济。The checkpoints appeared designed to cripple Georgia's economy.

美国若与中国打一场贸易战,这会严重削弱贵国经济吗?Would a US trade war with China seriously cripple your economy?

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在德米特里厄斯号上的兵变中,塞缪尔·安德斯导致谁受伤致残?。Who does Samuel Anders cripple during the mutiny on the Demetrius?

跛子将鞭子末端浸入他臀部旁边之芯片溶液中。The cripple dipped the whip tip into the chip solution nearby his hip.

我被家庭和朋友当作一个恐怕是毫无希望的跛子抛弃了。I was abandoned by family and friends as a supposedly hopeless cripple.

默瑟说,缺少可用的冷却水使得这项方案无从谈起。Mercer says a lack of available cooling water could cripple such schemes.

“我父亲有次枪走火射中了他。把他给弄瘸了。”塞缪尔坏坏的笑着说。"My dad shot him on accident. Turned him into a cripple. " Samuel smiles.

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妇女不需要拿这些恶毒的思想来残害下一代。Women do not need to cripple the next generation with these evil thoughts.

罗伯特,阁下突然深夜造访,老瘸子我有什么可以为您效劳的?Langdon, a dramatic late-night arrival. What can an old cripple do for you?

可是他的脸上却仍然表示着一个残废者的呆视的状态和有点空虚的样子。Yet still in his face one saw the watchful look, the slight vacancy of a cripple.