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通讯卫星,首枚电视转播卫星被发射。Telstar , the first satellite to carry TV broadcasts was launched.

泰事达也是实验室冻干机前三大生产商之一。TELSTAR is also one of the 3 leading manufacturers of laboratory freeze dryers.

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其客户有制药行业、研发实验室和医院。The pharmaceutical industry, research and development laboratories and hospitals are TELSTAR clients.

然而,1963年2月21日通讯卫星1号被新发现的范艾伦辐射带损害。However, on n February 21,1963, Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discovered Van Allen belts.

USIFROID的专业知识和专业技术将使泰事达现拥有的强大技术能力和生产能力如虎添翼。TELSTAR is supplementing its present capabilities and capacity with USIFROID know-how, technology and expertise.

托德拉平成立通讯卫星物流,一个虚构的公司,其名称和标记是用来获得的地方对我们大多数人无法到达。Todd Lapin founded Telstar Logistics, a fictional company whose name and mark is used to gain access to places most of us couldn't reach.

本项目是电信运行维护部门进行管理和组织生产活动的重要支撑系统。TELSTAR functions as a crucial supporting system for telecom operation and maintenance sectors during management and production activities.

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泰事达的业务运营涵盖全球一百多个国家,在西班牙、中国、美国、英国、荷兰和德国都拥有生产工厂,现又在法国大展手脚。Telstar operates in more than one hundred countries and has production plants in Spain, China, United States, United Kingdom, Holland, Germany and now France.

Telstar的设想来源于1945年科幻作家C.Clarke提出的概念——在地球同步卫星基础上建立起全球通信网络。Telstar makes real a 1945 concept by science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, who envisioned a global communications network based on geosynchronous satellites.

这颗卫星上装有无线电收发设备和电源,可对信号接收、处理、放大后再发射,从而大大提高了通信质量。Telstar is launched as the first "active" communications satellite—active as in amplifying and retransmitting incoming signals, rather than passively bouncing them back to Earth.

泰事达成立于1963年,成功实现其专业业务领域多元化发展和高速成长,在过去八年里面泰事达的营业额翻了三翻,上个财政年度的营业额达到了1.11亿欧元。Founded in 1963, Telstar has diversified its professional activities, experiencing rapid growth and tripling its turnover over the past eight years to reach 110 million Euros in 2009.

入射的粒子还会干扰人造卫星的电子设备,许多通讯卫星,如1994年的安尼克E1号和E2号卫星以及1997年的泰斯达401号卫星,都是因此受损或报废的。Incoming particles also interfere with satellite electronics. Many communications satellites, such as Anik E1 and E2 in 1994 and Telstar 401 in 1997, have been compromised or lost in this way.