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我们想马汀也会喜欢这次的表演的。We thought Marten might enjoy the show too!

产于中国南部和缅甸大型黄色和黑色貂。Large yellow and black marten of s china and burma.

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欧亚大陆的貂,褐色皮毛,雄部和。Eurasian marten having a brown coat with pale breast and throat.

这次,我想请贵公司帮助我们代销这批貂皮大衣。Now we wish to ask your company to sell these marten overcoats on consignment.

这次,我想请贵公司帮助我们代销这批貂皮大衣。Now we would like to ask your company to sell these marten overcoats on consignment.

实用情境一件T恤、一条直筒牛仔裤再配上一双马丁大夫鞋,这就是经典的休閒穿著了。T-shirt, straight bottom jeans and a pair of Dr. Marten 's make up the classic leisure look.

如果他们这样做了,其他收藏者将会很乐意效仿前面的黛安娜·米勒女士和塞尔维亚太太。If they do, other collectors will be happy to follow the lead set by Lady Diana and Mrs Marten.

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岩貂是一种夜间食肉哺乳动物,它的饮食习惯与家猫相似。The stone marten is a predatory nocturnal mammal with feeding habits similar to those of domestic cats.

现在我们有一批貂皮大衣需要运输。你们有兴趣为我们包装么?。And at present , we have a load of marten overcoats to ship . Do you have the interest to pack it for us?

德国官员今天在第二种哺乳动物物种–岩貂身上确认了H5N1型病毒感染。Officials in Germany have today confirmed H5N1 infection in a second mammalian species, the stone marten.

3月2日在波罗的海的吕根岛上发现了这只岩貂,它还活着,但是有严重患病的迹象。The marten was found alive, but showing signs of severe illness, on the Baltic island of Ruegen on 2 March.

然而,荷兰瓦格宁根大学的马腾·谢弗所做的研究表明,经理们或许没必要这么做。Work by Marten Scheffer of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, however, suggests they might not need to.

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这批貂皮大衣质量高,成色好,包装精致,销售起来一定顺利。These marten overcasts are of good quality and nice colour , they are also tastefully packed. They will surely sell well.

在德国,卫生官员说,在一种类似鼬鼠的动物身上发现了H5N1型病毒。In Germany, health officials say a stone marten , a weasel-like mammal, has been detected with the H5N1 strain of the virus.

正因为这种显著的差异导致黄喉貂的分类地位及起源问题一直存在争议。Because of these remarkable differences, there are always dissension in classifying status and origin of Yellow-throated Marten.

如同在吕根岛上发现的家猫一样,这只岩貂可能在捕食受染的鸟类后被感染。As with the cats found on Ruegen island, the marten is presumed to have acquired its infection after feeding on an infected bird.

去年年底,马汀夫人决定卖出一对玉象,这对玉象曾伫立于乾隆皇御座室。At the end of last year Mrs Marten decided to sell a pair of jade elephants that had once stood in Emperor Qianlong's throne room.

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从2002年开始涉足皮毛生产行业,能生产狐狸、水貂、獭兔、貉子、毛领、毛条等各种花色的皮毛制品。It started the fur industry since 2002, and produced various fur products, as fox, marten , otter, fur collar and strip, and others.

在这个墓穴同时被发现的还有金雕的翼尖,牛尾,两个貂鼠的头骨和一头野猪的骨头。Other items found in the grave included the wing tip of a golden eagle, the tail of a cow, two marten skulls and a bone from a wild boar.

采用意大利独特的防水貂毛刷头,集合优良的“聚合”工艺,随心所欲的勾勒完美眼部轮廓。It uses unique Italian water-proofing marten hair brush, processed by excellent integrating technique, which can easily draw perfect eye contour.