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美味大餐。A gourmet meal.

没有磨里,出饭吃。No mill, no meal.

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吃最后的一餐。Have your last meal.

这顿饭花了本人们30英镑。The meal cost us 30.

中午时本人们吃了一顿饭。At noon we ate a meal.

这顿饭使她得病了。Ihe meal made her ill.

他们吃了一顿粗茶淡饭。They made a poor meal.

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请慢用。Please enjoy your meal.

他狼吞虎咽地吃了饭。He wolfed his meal down.

这顿饭花了他150元。The meal costs him ¥150.

“一顿雪餐”则不可取。"A meal of snow" is not.

最喜爱的赛前营养餐?Favourite pre-match meal?

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汤好抵得半顿饭。Good kale is half a meal.

好汤抵得过半顿餐。Good kale is half a meal.

这顿饭花了我们30元。The meal cost us 30 Yuan.

吃得惯上海饭菜吗?Get used to Shanghai meal?

吃过饭了没有?还没吃过呢。I haven't had my meal yet.

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他风卷残云地吃了一顿美餐。He wolfed down a good meal.

埃文斯是准备这顿饭。Evans is preparing the meal.

这顿饭我花了50块钱。I paid 50 yuan for the meal.