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它是一种相互依赖的较量。It is an interdependent rivalry.

它让我们想起敌对的兄弟。It reminds one of sibling rivalry.

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但是一定会有一个记仇的对手。But of course there's a keen rivalry.

那是兄妹之间常见的钩心斗角。It's an usual rivalry between brother and sister.

区域内的竞争关系,仍可能让中印度的梦想落空。Regional rivalry may yet turn the Chindia dream sour.

分别计算给药前、后的抑制率和拮抗率。The ratios of inhibition and rivalry were calculated.

连个城市之间争斗仇恨的种子就在此时种下。The seeds of this fierce inter-city rivalry were sown.

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近空间的敌对竞争充满潜在的危险。A near-space rivalry is fraught with potential dangers.

对于戴利·汤普森而言,他的对手就是尤尔金·欣格森。For Daley Thompson, this rivalry was with Jurgen Hingsen.

在天主的国里,没有竞争和对抗。In the Kingdom of God there is no competition or rivalry.

同胞兄弟反目成仇。Sibling rivalry turned into betrayal between two brothers.

这支队伍同样与日本队有悠久的对抗传统。The team also has a fierce traditional rivalry with Japan.

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你是如何看待耶鲁和哈佛这两所大学之间的竞争关系呢?What do you think of the rivalry between Yale and Harvard?

州与州之间的竞争促成了经典音乐的繁荣。Interstate rivalry boosted the fortunes of classical music.

分析学家与几何学家之间的对抗非常激烈。The rivalry between analysts and geometers grew very bitter.

这场竞赛的开始,由纪萌作为胜利者在2006年。This rivalry started in Saimoe 2006 with Yuki as the victor.

液晶显示器与等离子板之间的竞争也没有结束。Nor does the rivalry between LCD and plasma panels end there.

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同谋使他们走到一齐,减弱比赛。Complicity makes them come together and attenuate the rivalry.

他表示,对于与惠普与IBM竞争的忧虑可能过度了.Concerns about rivalry with HP and IBM may be overdone, he said.

拉在暗地里对阿诺和维婕尔之间的明争暗斗十分满意。He quietly reveled in the rivalry that grew between Anor and Vergere.