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照片中的水母是在菲律宾附近的西?伯斯海发现的。The jellyfish in the picture was found in the Celebes Sea near the Philippines.

西?伯斯海域,也称珊瑚三角区,是一个还未完全被人类探测的水域。The area of the Celebes Sea, called the Coral Triangle, hasn't been explored fully before.

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万鸦老印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛东北一城镇。1657年由荷兰人建成是一个重要的港口。人口217。A town of northeast Celebes , Indonesia. Established by the Dutch in1657, it is a major seaport. Population, 217,159.

许多菲律宾人和马来人谁的传统上鱼类生活都竖立数以百计的这些家园在西里伯斯岛海洋。Many Filipinos and Malays who traditionally fish for a living have erected hundreds of these homes in the Celebes Sea.

这黑色短尾猿的发现只有印度尼西亚的西北部地区存在,主要在苏拉威西岛-也被称为西里伯斯岛。This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes.

这黑色短尾猿的发现,只有西北部地区的印度尼西亚,主要在苏拉威西岛-也被称为西里伯斯岛。This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia, mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes.

在仙本那,许多世代以捕鱼为生的菲律宾人和马来人在西里伯斯海上建造了很多这种样式的家。In Semporna, many Filipinos and Malayu who traditionally fish for a living have erected hundreds of these homes in the Celebes Sea.

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在婆罗洲东方的西里伯海,一头绿蠵龟在马来西亚诗巴丹岛附近的珊瑚礁上休息。A giant green turtle rests on a coral reef at a diving site near the Malaysian island of Sipadan in Celebes Sea east of Borneo November 7, 2005.

西里伯斯岛冠猕猴。这黑色短尾猿的发现,只有西北部地区的印度尼西亚,主要在苏拉威西岛-也被称为西里伯斯岛。Celebes Crested Macaque This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia, mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes.

从海底上升,西巴丹岛位于西里伯斯海的斗湖的主要城市和东部的婆罗洲岛的东海岸600米的马来西亚。Rising 600 meters from the seabed, Sipadan Island is located in the Celebes Sea east of the major town of Tawau and off the coast of East Malaysia on the Island of Borneo.

因为它有着丰富多样的生命形式和独特的地质历史,目前已成为了重点保护对象。The Celebes Sea, a deep pocket basin isolated from surrounding deep water, is part of the Coral Triangle, a conservation hot spot due to its diverse lifeforms and unique geological history.