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#以JSON格式编码数据。Encode the data in JSON format.

现在,你还可以进行MPEG-1类型的编码。You can also encode to MPEG-1 as of now.

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将哈希后的字节数组编码成十六进制字符。Encode the hashed byte array into hex characters.

您必须具有音频设备以进行编码。You must have an audio device in order to encode.

MADS盒基因是生物重要的调控基因家族。MADS box genes encode a family of transcription factors.

惟一可行的解决方案是将数据编码为一组安全的字符。The only solution is to encode data to a safe set of characters.

用特定的单词和句子为每个数字编码。From that you create short words and sentences to encode numbers.

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RDFa指定了下述属性类型来编码RDF内容RDFa specifies the following attribute types to encode RDF content

BioBricks是编码了基本生物学功能的DNA序列。BioBricks are DNA sequences that encode basic biological functions.

escape和unescape方法能够帮助你编码和解码字符串。The escape and unescape functions let you encode and decode strings.

采用线性分组码进行编码,用伴随式译码。The linear block code is used to encode and the syndrome decoding i.

要从设备编码,必须已安装音频设备。You must have an audio device installed in order to encode from device.

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事实上,许多非电子化的作品不可能真正直接编码元数据。In fact, many non-electronic works cannot really encode metadata directly.

当不可能完全恢复时,有时也不严格地使用“译码”这样的术语。Encode is sometimes loosely used when complete reconversion is not possible.

这种事情发生是因为我们对周围环境没有编码或创建记忆。This one happens when we don't encode or form a memory for our surroundings.

我们把元数据端口名在我们返回的WSDL里的URL提示中进行编码。We encode the metadata port name in the hint in the URL we return in our WSDL.

让我们看看如何着手将一些信息编码到一个XHTML示例文件中。Let's see how we can start to encode some information into a sample XHTML file.

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绝大多数的活的生物体的基因编码在DNA链长。The vast majority of living organisms encode their genes in long strands of DNA.

我发现两种运用格板和表格将明文编码与解码的方法。I found two ways to employ the grilles and tables to encode and decode plaintext.

一旦便笺被用于编码信息,它就会从便笺簿上被扯下来销毁。Once a sheet was used to encode a message, it was torn off the pad and destroyed.