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向上达到天庭!Upward to heaven!

她的嘴唇翘起来。Her lips curled upward.

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这条路向上倾斜。The road inclines upward.

烟向上缭绕。The smoke wreathed upward.

烟雾缭绕上升。The smoke wreathed upward.

烟雾缭绕的城市。The smoke wreathed upward.

他们走了向上的路。They took the upward path.

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皮布尔斯先生向上望了望。Mr. Peebles took a look upward.

向上的路直抵山腰。Upward to the middle of the hill.

斜率应该是正的,对吧It's probably upward sloping, right?

她咧开弓形的嘴笑着,嘴角往上翘。Her bow mouth turned upward in a grin.

向上滚动盖至座位椅背的顶上。Roll cover upward to top of seat back.

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因为没有增长或者下跌的偏向。Since there's no upward or downward bias.

晃动骨盆向上,尾骨朝上。Rock pelvis upward so coccyx moves upward.

果岭斜坡从前至后向上延伸。The green slopes upward from front to back.

提起两侧的肋骨向前和向上。Lift your side ribs both forward and upward.

尾根位置高,剪尾、向上举。Tail is set high, docked and carried upward.

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虽然我们步伐缓慢艰困Upward He leads us, though our steps be slow

杰克向上看着这个城市的水平。Jake stares upward at the levels of the city.

大地的脸蛋朝上,任我检阅。And the earth’s face upward for my inspection.