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我叔叔是个爱狗的人。My uncle is a doggy person.

你能给我一个剩菜袋吗?Could you give me a doggy bage?

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我从狗爬式开始学游泳。I started by learning to doggy paddle.

一只要寄放在我家一周的小狗。A doggy lived in my house about one week.

你的狗宝宝看上去真可爱!Your doggy looks quite lovely , doesn’t he ?

我叔叔是个爱狗的人。他养了三条狗。My uncle is a doggy person. He keeps three dogs.

我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,现在我要杀你这狗崽子!I shot the Sheriff and the Deputy and your wee doggy TOO!

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为什么你游泳的姿式看起来总是像狗刨式?。Why does your swimming always look like the doggy paddle?

下次直接打包给狗吃,不要伤了自己的身体。Next time, doggy bag it for later, and don’t hurt yourself!

现在越来越多的人把吃剩的饭菜打包。More and more people now pack the left-overs in a doggy bag.

这个傻傻的小狗门挡很可爱也很管用。This Silly brand doggy doorstop is as practical as it is cute.

我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,惹毛了我就一枪把你崩了!I shot the Sheriff, and the Deputy, and your wee really doggy TOO!

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谁能想到狗在水中除了狗爬式还能有其他动作呢?Who knew that dogs could do more in the water than just doggy paddle?

狗洞的指纹和昆虫咬伤可以证明他是凶手吗?。Are doggy door prints and chigger bites enough to get a man for murder?

其他狗狗们也分别穿上了红衣主教和主教的服装。His doggy pals join him by sporting elegant cardinal and bishop costumes.

家境余裕的狗儿在仆人下班的期间可能去狗儿托育核心。Well-to-do canines can going to doggy daycare centers while their owners work.

女人说那个小狗式缺少“亲密感”。In the surveys, women say that they feel "less intimate" when they doit doggy style.

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但他仍然可以被称为史努比狗狗狗狗,他在他的歌曲,或通过其他说唱歌手。But he still can be called Snoop Doggy Dogg, which he does in his songs, or by other rappers.

我们很高兴地看到,笑容又重新出现在卡里西的脸上。We're just pleased to see Khaleesi giving us a big doggy smile. She's totally unrecognizable!

我们饭菜剩下很多,打包带回家够全家今晚吃一顿的。We had so much food left that we took enough home in doggy bags to feed the whole family tonight.