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士兵们全都装备上了英国Enfield步枪。Soldiers were then equipped with the British Enfield rifle.

兵变的直接原因,是新的埃菲尔德步枪。The immediate cause of the mutiny was the new Enfield rifle.

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我是被卡卡圈坊官网上的话吸引到埃菲尔德分店的。I was lured to the Enfield store by the Krispy Kreme website.

不错,皇家恩菲尔德的粉丝已经很庞大了,这款车会成为游戏改变者。Good. This can be game changer for already big fan base for Royal Enfield.

如果你需要新的球场,为什么不去北边的恩菲德或者海特福德那些球迷多的地方?IF you need a new ground, why not go north to Enfield or Hertfordshire where lots of fans live?

1967年,他在北伦敦为巴克莱银行的一个支行安装了世界上第一台自动提款机。He installed the world's first ATM at a branch of Barclays Bank in Enfield , North London, in 1967.

这种手枪在皇家空军因菲尔德兵工厂生产其他指定手枪的同时继续生产。It was also manufactured by RSAF Enfield under the designation Pistol, Revolver, Webley, No 1 Mk VI.

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从埃菲尔德店出来,两个十几岁的小女孩带着她们的三打甜甜圈奔赴生日派对。Outside the Enfield store, two teenage girls carry their three-dozen doughnuts for a birthday party.

工程师Rahman说他在Facebook上看到一则消息称Enfield是“下一个目标”。Rahman, an engineer, said he had seen a message on Facebook that Enfield would be "next on the hitlist".

将士从印度出发,过程中用马克西姆枪和恩菲尔德步枪杀害了成千上万的藏族人。With Maxim guns and Enfield rifles, the soldiers killed thousands of Tibetans on their march from India.

凯文·诺兰,来自伦敦北部恩菲尔德区的伟世通工厂联合工会的职员,也被解雇了。Kevin Nolan, a Unite union official at the Visteon factory in Enfield in north London, was one of those fired.

影片讲述了1977年发生在伦敦的一个真实故事——恩菲德招灵事件。Conjuring 2 is based on the Enfield Poltergeist, which is apparently a true event that took place in London in 1977.

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我于六十年代中期出生在托特纳姆,八岁那年,家人带着我搬到了恩菲尔德。I was born in Tottenham during the mid-Sixties and lived there until the age of eight when my family moved to Enfield.

不要带着一顶小丑帽、夏利恩菲特的假发或其他不合适的头饰入场,使你看起来像个傻瓜一样。DON'T come into Anfield wearing a jester hat Harry Enfield Scouser wig or other unsuitable headwear that makes you look like a complete dick.

不要带著一顶小丑帽、夏利恩菲特的假发或其他不合适的头饰入场,使你看起来像个傻瓜一样。Don't come into anfield wearing a jester hat harry enfield scouser wig or other unsuitable headwear that makes you look like a complete dick.

他已走过了一段长路,从法国丙级队到英超,从在迷人的戛纳与家人的天伦之乐到在简陋的恩菲尔德安顿下来。He has already come a long way, from the French third division to the Premiership and from family life in Cannes to settling in less glamorous Enfield.

恩菲尔德法官做出裁决,否决了我和史蒂夫的说法,但是很多投给县法官查尔斯.沃顿、治安官拉尔夫.贝克以及他们的班子成员的缺席选票都得到了法官的确认,最终使他们能够继续留任。Judge Enfield ruled against me and Steve, but upheld enough of the absentee votes for County Judge Charles Whorton, Sheriff Ralph Baker, and their crew to stay in office.