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该税项仅影响有房地产的阶层。The tax will affect only the propertied classes.

传说他是一个有产阶级的独子,在一次欢庆的人群中走失。He is a legend propertied class's only son, in a celebration of the population lost.

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在体验到一定阶段后,找一个合适的时机,重返校园继续学习或深造。After having experienced a time, I find a propertied time to come back to school for fur-study.

在美国殖民地时期,政治参与是占社会少数的富裕的成年白人男性基督徒的特权。In colonial America, suffrage was privilege enjoyed by a minority of white male propertied Christians.

托马斯·潘恩是十八世纪后期杰出的启蒙思想家,激进的资产阶级民主主义者。Thomas Paine is an outstanding Enlightenment thinker in later 18 centuries, a radical propertied class democrat.

这种嬗变与转型主要是封建地主阶级哲学向资产阶级哲学——“新学”的转型。This kind of transition is primarily from the feudalistic landlord rank philosophy to the " new learning" of the propertied class.

当今世界,著作权的保护强度不断加大,公共知识面临被私有化、财产化的危险。Nowadays, copyright protection is being strengthening, while public knowledge face the danger of being personalized and propertied.

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一切尚好,一个蒙面的塔利班发言人告诉路透社新闻机构,他们的武装团体将“坚持到最后时刻”。All is well, a propertied Taliban spokesman has told the Reuters news agency the insurgent group will quote "Resist till the last gasp".

所谓地根紧缩导致房源减少同样是房地产市场的有产者刻意透支的利好信息。Supply constraints lead to the same reduction in the real estate market is the propertied people deliberately overdraft positive message.

选择合适的损伤变量和损伤演化方程对典型截面的损伤累积性能进行了研究。The damage process and hysteric propertied of several typical cross-sections were analyzed and cumulative damage was computed and evaluated.

在分析中国栽培油菜主要性状进化趋势的基础上,对中国栽培油菜的分类系统进行了补充完善。Based on the mainly shaped and propertied evolution of rapeseeds, the author completed and perfected the classified system of rapeseeds in China.

当然也就不能向西方那样为即将到来的资产阶级变革和革命的胜利开辟道路,从而促进资本主义制度在中国胜利发展。Certainly it can"t develop the road for the coming propertied class revolution and can"t make the capitalism develop well in China as the western.

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从这三个阶段中我们可以看出土地革命战争时期党对小资产阶级的认识经历了一个比较曲折的过程。From these three stages we can see that in land revolution period the cognition of CPC to the small propertied class experienced a tortuous process.

三权分立资产阶级国家政治制度和政权结构的基本原则和组织形式。Three power the cent sign national political system and the political power structure of propertied class of the basic principle and organized form.

正是在华为,他职业生涯开始起步,“从无产阶级变成了有产阶级,有房有车,有了家庭”。Be in just about China for, his profession career begins to start, "Became propertied class from the proletariat, the room has a car, had a family ".

契约自由原则是资产阶级民法的三大基石之一,是当代契约法的核心和灵魂。Contract freedom principle is one of the three greatest principles of the propertied class civil law, the soul and the core of the contemporary contract law.

这些产品利用了甲壳胺纤维的广谱抗菌性能,以及它的吸湿性和促进伤口愈合的性能。In these applications, chitosan was used for its natural antimicrobial propertied and its ability to provide a moist environment and to accelerate wound healing.

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在研究基底的微缺陷对多层介质膜光学性能影响的分析和计算时,该模型同样适用。In addition, this model is also suitable for calculating the influence of microdefects in the substrate on optical propertied of multilayer dielectric thin films.

马克思曾讲过,商品交换过程中惊险跳跃,从零到有,从无产者到有产者的过程中也面临这样的惊险跳跃。Marx said that the commodity exchange process thrilling leap from zero to include asset to the propertied people from the process is also facing such thrilling leap.

悲惨世界无情地抨击了资产阶级法律的虚伪性和反动性,揭露了资产阶级司法机关的黑暗和腐败。The pathetic world without remorse attacked false and reaction of propertied class law and made public the blackness and corruption of propertied class judicial organ.