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他会生气吗?Does he sulk?

他们怒而不语,感觉自己被低估了They sulk and feel undervalued

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难道佛陀过闷气爸爸?Did The Buddha ever sulk Daddy?

紧闭的双唇因为生闷气撅了起来。The firm lips pouted in a sulk.

我非常生气,便坐在冰上生闷气。I was very angry, he sat on the ice to sulk.

他看到了我眼中的忧郁…他说他想抹去我眼中的忧郁…He said that he wanted to mop the sulk of my eyes.

不闷气双面百叶,不会进灰尘,不会闷气。Not sulk double-sided pan, not into dust, not sulk.

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我对这个地方满腔怨恨,这一整天一无所获,我闷闷不乐地上床睡觉。The day is a complete write-off and I head off to bed to sulk.

你得保证你不生气,我才肯把一切都告诉你。You must promise me that you won't sulk if I tell you all about it.

不过,如果你整个时间都闷闷不乐,那么你的心情也不会变化。However, you won't alter your mood if you go out but sulk the whole time.

而只是说关于死亡的事实,导致你呆在房间里生气。It's just that the facts about death cause you to stay in your room and sulk.

而只是说关于死亡的事实,导致你呆在房间里生气。It's just that the facts about death cause you to stay in your room and sulk.

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乔做如此的不情愿,仍然尝试不要在那个打到之上不高兴他已经拿。Joe did so grudgingly, still trying not to sulk over the trouncing he'd taken.

他的情绪容易突变,且会无缘无故地愠怒和哭泣。He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.

所以他在监狱里并不愤懑,并不沮丧,也并不反叛。He did not sulk and grow discouraged and rebellious because "everything was against him."

当事情进展的不顺利时,我们很容易将世界拒之门外,自己一个人承受孤独与忧郁。It’s tempting, when things aren’t going well, to shut out the world and sulk in solitude.

几个小时后,当我还是满肚子闷气的时候,我妈妈飞奔进我的房间宣布了一个奇迹。Hours later, my mother barged into my bedroom, interrupting my full-scale sulk to announce a miracle.

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丽贾娜-迈耶的父母没能实现让她养上小马的梦想,然而这位15岁的女孩并未向隅而泣。When Regina Mayer's parents dashed her hopes of getting a horse, the 15-year-old did not sit and sulk.

只要遭到反驳就能使他勃然大怒,但我从来没看到过他生闷气或记恨。Just being contradicted can put him into a towering rage, but I've never known him to sulk or bear grudges.

我十分想让我的孩子与我去那儿,哪怕他们会生气地赖在地板上。I badly want my children to join me there, even if they have to sulk up off the floor to discover the stillness.