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那老者站在那儿直发抖。The old man stood there and dithered.

2008年美国总统大选中默多克犹豫不决,最终选择共和党的约翰.麦凯恩。Murdoch dithered over the 2008 presidential election, eventually backing John McCain.

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从实验上研究了捷联惯导系统在振动条件下二频机抖陀螺的输出特性。Based on high-frequency vibration experiment, the output characteristic of mechanically dithered RLG was studied.

他们在国外扩张的速度都太快,对低价策略的实行都犹疑不决,都开设折扣店和小规模商场。Both dithered over their focus on low prices. Both toyed with discounters and with smaller versions of their giant shops.

向抖动中注入一定强度的随机噪声,以消除机械抖动激光陀螺的动态闭锁误差。To eliminate dynamic lock-in error of dithered ring laser gyros, it is desirable to inject a pseudo-random noise into the dither.

实验表明新鉴相方法得到的数据正确,因此能用于机械抖动激光陀螺过锁区处理。Tests show that datum got through the new method are right and the method can be used for treating with signals from dithered RLG.

在激光陀螺的抖动控制中,用作抖动幅度检测的PZT的灵敏度会随温度变化,从而造成偏频失稳。During the performance of dithered ring laser gyros , bias level will change when the sensitivity of PZT used in measuring dit her amplitude changes.

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机抖激光陀螺通过在抖动驱动信号中注入一定强度的随机噪声来消除动态闭锁误差。To eliminate the dynamic lock-in error in dithered ring laser gyro, it is desirable to inject a pseudo-random noise into the dithered driving signal.

他们在国外扩张的速度都太快,对低价策略的实行都犹疑不决,都开设折扣店和小规模商场。Both expanded too quickly abroad. Both dithered over their focus on low prices. Both toyed with discounters and with smaller versions of their giant shops.

在克服传统抖动控制器缺点的基础上,设计了一种运用自激振荡及自动增益控制技术的新型抖动控制器。During the performance of dithered ring laser gyros, dither bias should keep stable. A dither controller using self-oscillation and AGC technology is designed and tested.

显然,政府政策的摇摆不定,和两年前绿色和平组织成员爬上E.Clearly, risk and uncertainty for the plant has ballooned as the government has dithered over its policy and Greenpeace activists climbed an E.ON smokestack two years ago.

当吉尔吉斯斯坦的城市奥什和贾拉拉巴德被放火,导致10万乌兹别克族人套完乌兹别克斯坦境内时,莫斯科惊慌失措了,然后用飞机派遣了少量的军人进行人道主义救援。While the Kyrgyz cities of Osh and Jalalabad burned, sending almost 100, 000 ethnic Uzbeks fleeing into Uzbekistan, Moscow dithered and then sent a few planeloads of humanitarian aid.

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那时的日本政治家表现出了不顾后果的不称职,正如众议院这个星期的表现,他们无视了一个银行业危机的扩大,对救市犹豫不决。Then Japanese politicians, acting with the same sublime ineptitude that our own House of Representatives displayed this week, ignored a growing banking crisis and dithered on a bailout.

华盛顿已经同意卖给台湾多用途攻击直升机,但是在战斗机问题上因为同北京在地缘政治及经济方面的重要联系而显得犹犹豫豫。Washington has approved utility and attack helicopter sales to Taipei, but it has dithered on the fighter request due to the USA's important geo-political and economic ties with Beijing.

假如你昨天犹豫半天才选了金枪鱼三明治,然后发现吃起来很可怕,你今天就会有更大的决心选一种更好吃的食物,这就进一步加重了你的焦虑感。If you dithered for ages yesterday and found the tuna melt horrid, it increases your determination to choose something today that is better. And that ratchets up the anxiety even further.

在奥巴马对麦克克里斯托的请求犹豫不决的这两个月里,已有96名美军在阿富汗阵亡。In the two months that Mr Obama has "dithered" – a word that is increasingly used across the political spectrum – over the McChrystal request, 96 American troops have been killed in Afghanistan.