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我们必须永远坚持马克思列宁主义原则。We must always hold on to the Marxist- Leninist Principles.

也就是说,列宁主张的领导者们仅仅是暂时的哲人王。Leninist leaders, in other words, are only temporary Philosopher-Kings.

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这些马列主义原则应当牢记并贯彻实行。These Marxist- Leninist principles should be kept in mind and acted on.

这是这个国家前列宁主义时期的遗风,并不适宜于今天开放的中国。This is a relic of the country's Leninist past and is inappropriate to the much more In open China of today.

30年前,我们会说,列宁资本主义是一个自相矛盾的概念,就像如油炸冰淇淋。Thirty years ago we would have said that Leninist capitalism was a contradiction in terms, like fried snowballs.

基层组织中央控制的集团或运动的最小组织单位,特别是列宁式政党的。The smallest organizational unit of a centralized group or movement especially of a political party of leninist structure.

八一精神、井冈山精神、苏区精神是马列主义与中国革命实践在江西区域相结合的产物。Bayi spirit, Jingganshan spirit and Shuqu spirit were the products of Marxist and Leninist combined with Chinese revolutionary practice in Jiangxi region.

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简言之,他的论点是,列宁主义政党是communist“原罪”,天然地阻碍着治理透明及责任与信任。His argument, in a nutshell, is that a Leninist political party is communism’s ‘original sin’– an innate impediment to transparency and accountability in governance.

在这里,蔡解释了在一个列宁政权在其它地方突然消失的时代里中国政权所具有的令人费解的弹性。Here, Tsai helps to explain the otherwise puzzling resiliency of China’s communist regime, in an era marked by the sudden disappearance of Leninist regimes elsewhere.

杨认为,裴对中国列宁主义政党固有的腐败及不适应的担忧至少是夸大了,从最坏处讲是文不对题。Yang argues that Pei’s concerns over the endemic corruption and maladaptation of China’s Leninist polity are at the very least exaggerated, and at worst entirely misplaced.

俄国的布尔什维克革命还将列宁版的马克思主义带到了中国。The Bolshevik Revolution also brought to China the Leninist version of Marxism, which made the doctrine far more relevant to an economically backward land than orthodox Marxian teachings.