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地穴恶魔们,你们这是自寻死路!Crypt fiends, you're not prepared!

自那时以来,该墓穴一直空穴。Since then, that crypt has remained vacant.

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地穴恶魔的碰撞体积稍微增大。Crypt Fiend pathing size slightly increased.

地窖下布鲁内黎斯基的墓地。The tomb of Filippo Brunelleschi in the crypt.

于染色肠镜下观察病灶腺窝开口类型。The types of openings of crypt were observed under the dyeing enteroscope.

谢谢你的收听,之前提到的,我们是在位于伦敦特拉法加广场的圣马丁教堂的地下室里面。Now thank you for listening, as you know we are in the crypt of a church St.

当地穴恶魔使用钻地技能后,蛛网的自动施放不会被关闭。When you unburrow a Crypt Fiend, its auto-cast will no longer be toggled off.

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不过在去普拉特公园之前,我们到皇家墓穴进行简短的参观。But before we went to the Prater, we took a short visit in the Imperial Crypt.

牢头打开门,走向燃烧的煤炭制成的阶梯。The Castellan swung his crypt door open to reveal steps made of burning anthracite.

小肠绒毛高度相对增加,隐窝细胞变性、坏死。Additionally, degeneration and necrosis of crypt cells were found in experimental groups.

下方主要层次是圣让,这是非常大和明亮的地下室。Beneath the main level is the crypt of Saint-Jean, which is unusually large and well-lit.

包含的补丁可以修改加加加密密码,密码最大长度为7个字符。Use included patch to change crypt password to your own. Max. password length is 7 chars.

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尽管他希望他们的长眠不得安宁,但他还是会将那些闯入者赴诸正义的制裁。Though he wished them no peace in their sleep, he would bring their crypt breakers to justice.

为得到宝物,伊莎贝尔必须与那些游荡在地穴中无法安息的鬼魂作战。Isabel will have to fight the restless spirits who haunt the crypt in order to get the artifact.

在大主教的古墓中,你返回污浊地穴的传送门现在可以正确显示标示了。The portal in the Chancellor's Tomb returning you to the Defiled Crypt is now correctly labeled.

伯鲁乃列斯基于1946年与世长辞,他的墓被恭敬地建在主教堂的地下室里。Brunelleschi died in 1946. His grave was respectfully built in the crypt of the Cathedral of Florence.

基于椭圆曲线的公钥密码体制是密码学研究的一个新课题,这种密码体制具有速度快、全性高的优点。ECC is a new field in cryptography, this crypt system has many advantages of fast speed and high security.

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马龙不清楚是谁或者为什么,但他很感激,否则从那个地窖逃走会很困难。Malone had no idea who or why, but he was grateful, since escaping from that crypt could have proven tough.

IV型氯细胞为扁平状,细胞体积较小,具有较大的分泌腔,但微细小管系统不发达。The IV-type chloride cell is a small squamous cell with large prominent crypt and underdeveloped tubule system.

大教堂的钟楼可以俯瞰全市,而在教堂的地窖里,你会发现是个坟场。The top of the cathedral’s clock tower offers panoramic views, and the crypt below lets you mingle among the tombs.