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乌利亚是拨示巴丈夫。Uriah was the husband of Bathsheba.

大卫王吩咐说,叫拔示巴来。Then King David said, 'Call in Bathsheba.'

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这四人是亚米利的女儿拔书亚生的。These four were by Bathsheba daughter of Ammiel.

巴丝谢芭停住了,仔细地考虑着这个主意。Bathsheba paused to regard the idea at full length.

芭丝谢芭把头扭向阴影里考虑着。Bathsheba turned away into the shadows to consider.

芭丝谢芭努力地不使感情在脸上表现出来。Bathsheba tried not to show any expression on her face.

他杀了乌利亚然后占有了。Bathsheba He had Uriah killed so he could sleep with her.

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芭丝谢芭生气地走了,后边跟着其他的妇女们。Angrily, Bathsheba left the barn, followed by the other women.

以色列的国王,他对乌利亚的妻子Bathsheba垂涎三尺。He was the king of Israel and he coveted Uriah's wife Bathsheba.

为了能得到,大卫做了什么事?Bathsheba He wanted to sleep with Bathsheba, ? so what did he do?

拔示巴说,好,我必为你对王提说。Very well, ' Bathsheba replied, 'I will speak to the king for you.'

最终,当那个女人的丈夫死后,他娶了那个女人——拔示巴为妻。And finally, when her husband is dead, he takes Bathsheba as his own wife.

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我想到在大卫所有的罪行后,他仍娶了拔示巴为妻。I think of how after all his sins, David still took Bathsheba as his wife.

于是,拔示巴去见所罗门王,要为亚多尼雅提说。Bathsheba therefore went unto king Solomon, to speak unto him for Adonijah.

这种事情在伯德伍德爱上芭丝谢芭以前是绝不可能发生的。This would never have happened before Boldwood fell in love with Bathsheba.

他在田地的大门口停住了脚,这时芭丝谢芭抬起头来,注意到了她。As he stopped at the gate of the field, Bathsheba looked up and noticed him.

在中年人的眼中,巴丝谢芭现在也许格外楚楚动人。To the eyes of the middle-aged, Bathsheba was perhaps additionally charming just now.

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芭丝谢芭立刻拿起笔,在信封上写了伯德伍德的地址。Bathsheba immediately picked up her pen and wrote Bold-wood's address on the envelope.

半小时后,芭丝谢芭回到了家,满耳朵灌着托伊的情话。Half an hour later Bathsheba arrived home, with Troy's words of love still in her ears.

他和拔示巴犯了奸淫罪后,曾经想杀害她的丈夫来掩饰自己的罪行。After his affair with Bathsheba he'd tried to cover his tracks by having her husband killed.