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它们都是使她感到悲伤的回忆。They were distressful memories to her.

人这一生最最痛苦的是什么?What do you think is the most distressful thing in life?

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分享著初相遇时羞涩的甜蜜,再见时不舍的泪花Shy sweetness of meeting, the same distressful tears of farewell

我们的确畏惧从我们的主发出的严酷的一日。We only fear a Day of distressful Wrath from the side of our Lord.

同时,他还在充满悲剧意蕴的苦难现实生活中,探询着人性。He is in the fill tragedy and distressful life to inquire the humanity.

人不能把钱看的太重了,钱乃身外之物。人生最痛苦的事情知道是什么么?Money will come and go. What do you think is much distressful thing in life?

无复杂痛苦的事情,对你的心,但只有我们的爱和照顾对方。No complex distressful things on your mind but only our love and care for each other.

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形而上学是传统哲学的核心,但是形而上学的命运却多灾多难。Metaphysics is the core of the traditional philosophy, but its destiny is distressful.

在英格兰和苏格兰合并之后,荷里路德宫经历了一段苦难重重的日子。Holyrood Palace has known some distressful times after the Union of England and Scotland.

他讲到自己少年时代遭受的一些艰难困苦的时候,勾出她不少的眼泪。He beguiled her of many a tear, when he spoke of some distressful stroke which his youth had suffered.

广东新会1893年义冢的发现,就为这段辛酸史提供了明证。The discovery of 1893 graves in Xinhui, Guangdong Province, is a clear proof of this distressful history part.

研究结果显示麻木感为最常见的一种糖尿病周边神经病变感觉不适症状,疼痛症状以剧烈刀割痛最常见。The major results showed that numbness is the most common symptoms and sharp pain is the second most distressful symptom.

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一般的用法是将压力与生活中那些所谓的烦恼、厌恶或是有害的事情联系起来。In the lay usage, stress has come to be associated with life events that are thought of as annoying, distressful , or harmful.

我小心翼翼的试探他们,一个涌现,固执的眼里带着哀怨的赞誉,举起绝望的双手好像要赐福与我。Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless.

我们可以从这些诗篇了解,义人身处逆境之中,仍可放心,因为上帝必看顾他。From these psalms we learn that even though distressful situations surround the godly, they may rest assured that God is watching over them.

宏大政治抱负与悲惨政治遭遇之间的矛盾伴随了他的一生,影响并改变了他的人格。His life was full of contradictions between the great political ambitions and distressful experiences, which also influence even changed his personality.

尽管我深爱着哲学,因为我多灾多难的家庭,我在初中毕业后就选择读了师范以使自己尽早走上工作的道路。Although I have deep love for philosophy, I had to choose to read in a normal school to get a job earlier after I finished junior middle school , because of my distressful family.

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悲壮、苍凉,孤寂之美的也令人动容,蒙古民族的音乐文化同世界上所有民族的音乐文化一样,闪烁着人类智慧和文明的光辉。Mongolia is also a distressful nation, full of solitude, solemn and stirring, Mongolian musical culture is like that of other countries, lighting wisdom and civilization of mankind.

我们所遭遇的喜怒哀乐并不比一场梦更真实,这些经历是我们生命轮回中的教育手段,它们展现我们行为的后果。The experiences both pleasant and distressful which we encounter are no more real than a dream and appear within our lives as educational devices to demonstrate the consequences of our actions.