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政府当局开始对燃油征收一项新税。A new tax was imposed on fuel.

在侵权法中,责任是由法律规定的。In tort law the duty is imposed by the law.

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谁的反危机计划将会被推行?Whose anti-crisis programme is to be imposed?

法官课他十英镑罚金。The judge imposed a fine of ten pounds on him.

在以前,法国强加的巨债扼杀了海地的发展。France imposed a huge debt that strangled Haiti.

作者将强加于你一个固有的顺序。There is a sequence imposed on you by the author.

他们以假货充真货硬塞给他。They imposed a false article upon him as genuine.

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政府对于汽车进口实挺进口配额。The government has imposed an import quota on car.

政府对奢侈品课以重税。The government imposed a heavy tax on luxury goods.

美国和欧盟已经对其施加了经济上的制裁。The US and EU states have imposed economic sanctions.

“欧佩克”石油价格的四倍上涨。The four-fold increase in oil prices imposed by opec.

北京暂缓了所有海外电影的上映档期。Beijing has imposed a moratorium on new foreign films.

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这是废止了1958年的时候,戒严时期被强加的。It was abrogated in 1958 when martial law was imposed.

强加在我们头上的附加条件更难以接受。The conditions imposed on us are even less acceptable.

当局禁止车辆通行,直到得到进一步的通知。Authorities imposed a vehicle ban until further notice.

收费最快可于下一个月实行。The charge could be imposed next month at the earliest.

在审判前执行的全国宵禁令仍没有取消。A curfew imposed ahead of the judgment remains in place.

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他们乖乖地忍受强加在他们身上的种种条件。They submitted tamely to the conditions imposed upon them.

民主不可能从外部强加给任何国家。Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside.

毋庸置疑,技术造成了多重选择的困境。Technology has imposed the encumbrance of over-choice on us.