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这就是一巴掌耳刮子啊。That was a slap in the face.

他的脸因挨了耳光而感到火辣辣的。His cheek tingled from the slap.

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这感觉像是在脸上的一耳光。It felt like a slap in the face.

那贼与警察撞了一个满怀。The thief ran slap into a policeman.

女给了男脸上一巴掌。She gives a slap in the Harima's face.

气死我了,真想扇他一巴掌!I was so angry that I wanted to slap him!

或许这是我们给他们一巴掌的时候了。Maybe it's time to slap them in the face.

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夏洛蒂还记着那一耳光。Charlotte was still smarting from the slap.

女又给了男一巴掌,还是在脸上。She gives a weak slap in the Harima's face.

这就好象她在要求我去抽她的耳光一样。It was as if she were asking me to slap her.

她说,那感觉就像挨了一个耳光。That felt like a slap in the face, she said.

言语可以是很棒的爱抚也可以刺痛的巴掌。Words can be a cool caress or a stinging slap.

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在开会的时候我真想赏她一巴掌。I really wanted to slap her during the meeting.

汇率操纵者的标签将是一个有象征意义的打击。The manipulator label would be a symbolic slap.

比肚子被湿淋淋的鱼撞一下强。Better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish.

我嘟囔着,她却急了,回手给我一巴掌。I mumbled, she is anxious, the hand slap my face.

鞭子啪地一声抽在马屁股上。He sent the horse forward with a slap on its rump.

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她给他一个耳光令他的脸颊有刺痛之感。His cheek tingled from the slap she had given him.

宁可让贤明的人打一耳光,也不愿傻瓜来亲一口。Better a slap from the wise than a kiss from a fool.

我们听到人们的击水声和跳水声。We heard the slap and plunge of people in the water.