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他们平息了争执,又和好如初了。They patched up their tiff again.

没想到,这部无心插柳的电影竟成了我在TIFF中最喜欢的电影。To my surprise, this movie turned out to be my favorite at TIFF too.

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此次感恩节假期的遭遇令许多抵港的海员家庭感到沮丧,并有可能引发外交口角。The holiday misadventure has left families dismayed and could become a diplomatic tiff.

范冰冰在去年夺得了多伦多电影节的最佳女演员奖。今年她还是电影节评委之一。She won the best actress of TIFF last year. This year she's a member in competition jury.

一次图书馆里的小口角把他们带到了冰淇淋店,爱情不可避免地跨越了冰淇淋勺。A tiff in the library leads to the ice-cream parlour and, inevitably, love over the scoops.

有些数字摄像机,图片可以保存成无损的TIFF格式,采用LZW压缩算法。Some digital cameras can save in TIFF format, using the LZW compression algorithm for lossless storage.

所有的帧要么是DPX,要么是TIFF格式,声音和图像还都不能被包裹进MXF文件。The frames are in either DPX or TIFF format and both sound and picture are not yet wrapped into MXF files.

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一位朋友不久前与丈夫发生口角,她注意到自己7个月大的孩子的反应,并写下了由此而产生的悔恨情绪。After a little tiff with her husband, a friend wrote recently about her dismay at seeing her seven-month-old baby's reaction.

这个决定是在中国与日本发生一次海事争执之后做出的,被普遍认为是针对中国的这个宿敌采取的报复措施。Its decision followed a maritime tiff with Japan, and was widely viewed as retribution against Beijing's long-time adversary.

使用这个程序,你可以无缝组合多页,单页,Intel格式和Motorola格式的TIFF文件到一个文档中。With this program, you can combine multipage, single page, Intel format, and Motorola format TIFF files into one document seamlessly.

实验证实该算法可以检测出对于未压缩图像的缩小、放大和旋转及图像是否被JPEG压缩过。Furthermore, it can detect re-sampling traces on uncompressed bmp or tiff images, and it even can detect whether an image is JPEG compressed accurately.

分解,然后细致的边缘,纠正颜色,并允许您保存的结果,作为一个TIFF图像准备用于在您最喜爱的合成软件。Decompose then refines the edges, corrects the colors and allows you to save the result as a TIFF image ready to be used in your favorite compositing software.

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根据光学传递函数、调制度和空间频率视觉及对物象的感知程度,制作TIFF格式透视灰度图。According to optical transfer function, degree of modulation and apperceive degree of space frequency vision vs object image, TIFF grayscale scenograph is made.

先用通用图形软件制作TIFF格式的灰度图象模板文件,通过对模板文件的复制修改得到所需的透视灰度图。At first, templet file of TIFF grayscale image was made with general graphic software, then, templet file was copied and modified, grayscale scenographs was obtained.

日本目前也正与中国和俄罗斯面临类似争端,这凸显了日本政府在外交政策方面持续面临的挑战。The tiff also mirrors similar ones Japan is currently facing with China and Russia, underscoring the challenges its government continues to face on the foreign-policy front.

当转换感测器的数据成为标准的格式时,像是JPEG或TIFF,多数的数位相机使用固定的图像处理程序来补偿光学晕影和映像点的晕影。Most digital cameras use built-in image processing to compensate for optical vignetting and pixel vignetting when converting raw sensor data to standard image formats such as JPEG or TIFF.

可以用来开发文档图像管理应用程序,提供图像浏览、编辑、打印、TWAIN扫描、完全可编程注释、编写、多页TIFF和PDF、文件格式转换等功能。Developers can build applications with image viewing, editing, printing, powerful TWAIN scanning, fully programmable annotations, redaction , multi-page TIFF and PDF, file format conversion, and more.