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汤团充满了甜的粘稠物。The dumplings are filled with sweet goo.

Google的网址缩短服务地址是,,5个字母。Google’s shortener,, is 5 characters.

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它打击什么保持单位入黏性物质。It bashes what remains of the unit into goo.

粘粘的,稠稠的,蓝色的胶,新鲜的胶,稠稠的,粘粘的。Gooey. Gooey. Blue goo. New goo. Gluey. Gluey.

我不在时你。要好好照顾自己…Take goo. d care of yourself wh. ile I'm out. '

保持同所有工厂的良好关系。Maintain a goo. d relationship w. ith all factories.

gl一直在与其他的URL缩短工具竞争市场份额,例如。 competes with other URL shorteners such as

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现在,你可以使用这些API将goo.gl的URL集成到你自己的项目中。You can now use the API to integrate URLs into your own projects.

加拿大的油沙,又称沥青沙,即上面提及的粘性物质,不论怎么说都只能用庞大来形容。Canada's oil sands or tar sands as the goo is known are outsized in every way.

我们几乎看不到我们飞向何方,因为风挡玻璃上沾满了粘液。We could hardly see where we were going because of all the goo on the windscreens.

因此,菠萝咕老肉、菠萝牛肉还是可以放心吃的菜肴。Therefore, the pineapple goo old meat, pineapple, or can rest assured that eating beef dishes.

可欣,很好很久的朋友。还说下次放假时要找我去逛街。Ko Shin, a very goo old friend. She says she will ask me for shopping when she having holidays.

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随之细胞将溶解成原液,并依照新的基因物质来重构自己。The cell then dissolves into primal goo and then founded upon new genetic material, restructures itself.

在哈佛医学院提摩西·卢的许多病人受到细菌感染的攻击。At Harvard Medical School, many of Timothy Lu's patients were being attacked by carpets of microbial goo.

经过一段时间的水会发展成一个小苍蝇在水面上盘旋绿咕。After a certain period the water will develop into a greenish goo with little flies circling above the water.

当你把你的手放到一堆粘稠的东西里才发现那竟是你最好的伙伴的模糊血肉时,你就知道该怎么办了。When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do.

她拭去我腿上残留的绿色药膏,然后轻轻摇了摇我的膝盖骨,摸着感觉什么。She wiped the last of the green herbal goo off my leg, then sort of jiggled my kneecap around a bit, feeling for something.

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冈根科技的能源来自于一种神秘的蓝白色能量“古”,产自纳布的深海。The power source for Gungan technology is a mysterious blue-white energy "goo" that is mined in the depths of Naboo's oceans.

在“泥巴狂欢节”的其中一项活动中,游客们可以在泥巴池里摔跤、冲泥流和洗泥巴浴,尽情享受玩泥乐趣。One part of the festival gives visitors the chance to play in the greyish goo at mud wrestling pits, mud slides and mud baths.

T-Bag在他的牢房内,捏碎他早先得到的甘蓝,然后把这粘性的东西涂满他床上,掩盖他身上的气味。In his cell, T-Bag crushes the brussel sprouts he acquired earlier and spreads the goo throughout his bed to cover up his scent.