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什么是蜂胶和没药?What is propolis and myrrh?

什么是蜂胶和没药?What are propolis and myrrh?

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给他带来薰香,金子和没药树脂。So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh.

没药也是一种香料,抹在死人的身上用来防腐。Myrrh was a spice used to embalm the dead.

强没药的气味与梅多斯威特提示。Strong myrrh scent with hints of meadowsweet.

肚子疼怎么办,在没药的时间?How does collywobbles do, in the time of myrrh?

其他人在火葬的时候燃烧没药作为熏香之用。Other people burned myrrh as an incense during cremations.

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特别是,没药和乳香是最常用的。In particular, myrrh and frankincense are the most commonly used.

他们是乳香和没药,都具有浓郁的气味。They are frankincense and myrrh. Both have powerful, pleasant smells.

乳香树脂是黄色的颜色和没药树脂是红褐色。Frankincense resin is yellow in color and myrrh resin is reddish-brown.

水果调协调琥珀,香草,没药和香脂。The fruity notes flow over a blend of amber, vanilla, myrrh and rare balms.

以实玛利人的商队携带约瑟到埃及当奴隶的时候也带有没药。The Ishmaelite caravan which carried Joseph to slavery in Egypt also bore myrrh.

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乳香及没药有及好的肌肤回春效果,能保住减轻法令纹。Frankincense and myrrh lend their rejuvenating properties to help reduce fine lines.

额头上嵌着贵橄榄石,胸膛上抹着没药和肉桂。On its forehead was a chrysolite, and its breasts were smeared with myrrh and cinnamon.

乳香和没药经点燃可作为礼拜时的熏香或者制作香水的材料。Frankincense and myrrh were burned as incense during worship and use in making perfumes.

云子试图将中村功留在家中,中村功却用迷药迷晕了云子。Cloud son tried to work at home, village village work but with myrrh fan dizzy cloud son.

含有木糖醇有助于预防牙斑,蜂蛟和没药让口腔有健康的感觉。Contains xylitol to help prevent plaque and propolis & myrrh for a healthy-feeling mouth.

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在吗啡和其他现代止痛药的发明之前,没药是一种普遍的止痛药。Until the invention of morphine and other modern painkillers, myrrh was a common analgesic.

扭伤了脚,医生建议他用些末药,以便消肿镇痛。He sprained his foot. The doctor suggests him using myrrh to alleviate the swelling and easing pain.

以斯贴被带到亚哈随鲁国王面前之前,曾经用没药进行了六个月之久的美容治疗。Esther received a six month long beauty treatment with oil of myrrh before she was brought in to King Ahasuerus.