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它只有一个伺服电机控制。It only controls one servomotor.

该光电管控制着一个伺服电动机。The photoelectric cell controls a servomotor.

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我们从研究伺服马达装置来开始这个学期的学习。We start the term by studying a servomotor mechanism.

介绍了由伺服电机驱动的水槽造波机系统的设计。The design of wave-creator system in flume driven by servomotor was introduced.

研制一种新型接力器活塞环,重点介绍了活塞环的结构和材料。A new servomotor sealing ring is developed, its structure and material are recommended specially.

采用日本三菱高性能伺服电机,贴标定位精准。High-performance servomotor from Japan Mitsubishi is used with accurate positioning for labeling.

采用一种无电刷的直流伺服电机来传动用于精确传动积极式喂纱器的皮带。A brush-less DC servomotor is used to drive the belt that drives the positive yarn feeders accurately.

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监督FNN控制系统由监督控制器和FNN滑式控制器组成。The control system consists of a synchronous servomotor drive with a supervisory FNN position controller.

伺服肘杆式压力机是一种由伺服电机直接驱动的新型冲压设备。The elbow-bar servo driven press is a kind of new model machine, which is driven directly by a servomotor.

采用高性能伺服电机控制的送标器,确保其拥有高速、精度的特点。Due to the high performance servomotor in labeling module, the labeling system embraces the high speed and precision.

工件的旋转,由西门子无刷数控伺服马达控制,它可以用不同速度运行。Rot of the work piece is assured by a SIEMENS brushless Digitally Controlled servomotor with infinitely variable speed.

于2008年问世的自动内窥镜视频识别仪是一个长26英尺覆盖了一个特殊伺服系统的光纤维镜。The Active Scope Camera, seen in the 2008 vid below, is a 26-foot long fiberscope covered with a special servomotor system.

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厄姆森带来一具从无线电控制飞机借来的伺服马达,开始拼凑一个无线取消开关。Urmson arrives with a servomotor borrowed from a radio-controlled airplane and proceeds to jury-rig a wireless kill switch.

该仪表与伺服电动机配套使用,用以指示伺服电机所控制对象的机械位置。The controller is equipped with servomotor for indicating the mechanical position of the target controlled by the servomotor.

采用永磁同步伺服电动机,构成多管火箭炮交流位置伺服系统。The permanent magnetism synchronous servomotor was adopted to construct the AC position servo system of multiple launch rockets.

系统以STM32为核心控制器,通过对伺服电机的控制可实现采摘平台的行走控制和升降控制。The system use the STM32 as the core controller. The control of servomotor can be achieved walking and lifting of the picking platform.

摩擦特性是影响仿真转台用连续回转电液伺服马达超低速性能的重要因素。Friction is an important factor to affect the super low speed property of continuous rotary electro hydraulic servomotor applied to simulator.

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实现了用于方位角跟踪的电液伺服马达系统的控制,以及系统性能的在线实时测试。The control of azimuth angle of electrohydraulic servomotor system, and the on-line and real-time test of the system performance were realized.

该设计的核心思理是由大功率的常速电机和小功率的伺服电机混合驱动一个两自由度的平面七杆机构。The key idea of the new design is a 2-degree-of-freedom seven-bar linkage mechanism driven by a large constant speed motor and a small servomotor.

运用运动控制芯片MCX314实现了伺服电机控制模块的设计,提高了数控系统的实时响应性和可靠性。MCX314 was selected to realize the design of servomotor module in this project, improved the CNC system's characteristic of real time and reliability.