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俄狄浦斯上遇到了狮身人面像悬崖。Oedipus met Sphinx on a cliff.

斯芬尼克斯给俄狄浦斯线索了吗?。Did the Sphinx give Oedipus a clue?

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狮身人面象是240英尺长和66英尺高。The sphinx is 240 feet long and 66 feet high.

狮身人面像也被追溯至公元前10,500年。The Sphinx was also dated back to 10,500 B. C.

可以看到那些小一点儿的金字塔和独身人面像。You can see the smaller pyramids and the Sphinx.

试想想,那个狮身人面像的括约肌发臭了!Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks 1!

试想想,这个狮身人面像的括约肌发臭了!Just imagine, which sphinx has a sphincter which stinks!

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大多数外国游客在埃及必看的景点就是人面狮身像。The Sphinx is a must for most foreign visitors to Egypt.

你是否亲眼目睹法老任命斯芬克斯?Were you there when the pharaohs commissioned the Sphinx?

或者巴黎圣母院和埃及的斯芬克斯?Or perhaps Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral and Egypt's Sphinx?

一个夜晚,在梦中,我见到了斯芬克斯之魂。One night, in dreaming, came to me the spirit of the Sphinx.

实际上,女人的需要就是一道连斯芬克斯夜解不开的谜。Actually what women want is a riddle that would stump the Sphinx.

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伟大的吉萨斯芬克斯就是“在地平线的何露斯”的一个例子。The Great Sphinx of Giza is an example of "Horus in the Horizon".

她看上去就象一尊非常安详精致、但又高深莫测的狮身人面像。She was the picture of a serene and exquisite but impenetrable sphinx.

早期的章克标就像自我分裂的“斯芬克司”。Zhangkebiao in the early stage was just like the self-division Sphinx.

金字塔一旁是狮身人面的斯芬克司雕像。Nearby is the Great Sphinx statue, with a man’s face and a lion’s body.

狮身人面像附近树立了一千年的石碑载有碑刻铭文。At the Great Sphinx site, the inscription on a stele erected a thousand years.

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我们可以看到,环绕人面狮身像周围有水沟,狮身上有水侵蚀的痕迹。We can see the body of Sphinx around many ditch, on water erosion at the scene.

当然还有金字塔和斯芬克司狮身人面像就坐落在开罗城外,在吉萨。And of course there are the Pyramids and the Sphinx just outside Cairo, in Giza.

第二天晚上他们来到一个巨大的蹲在路边的瓦雷利亚斯芬克斯跟前。The next evening they came upon a huge Valyrian sphinx crouched beside the road.