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这种刺激持续时间并不长。The stimulation does not last long.

有必要刺激一下他的冷漠。His apathy necessitates stimulation.

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当你撤销这种刺激,它就会咬你。Withdraw the stimulation and it bites.

你的孩子受过“劣性刺激”吗?。Does your child accept pessimal stimulation?

使青白的脸色显得柔和、健康。Make the face appears downy and stimulation.

OEIC光接收机的设计和模拟。Design and stimulation of the OEIC receivers.

肉青白细嫩,且无泥腥气。Tender, and no meat stimulation mud gamey smell.

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根据刺激,他们重新对系统进行了建模。The system is remodeled according to stimulation.

通过电击来刺激肌肉有何天然性可言?What is natural about electric muscle stimulation?

SSR检测采用电刺激法进行。SSR was determined by means of electric stimulation.

是一种对抗原性刺激的无应答状态。A state of unresponsiveness to antigenic stimulation.

无毒,对皮肤无刺激,手感比柴油好。Non-toxic, no stimulation to the skin, soft than diesel.

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其产生的效果是来自饮料的一种兴奋作用或刺激。The result is a pick-me-up or stimulation from the drink.

本法为强刺激手法之一。This is one of the manipulations with strong stimulation.

电刺激在低电流时就能引起跳视。Electrical stimulation here elicits saccades at low currents.

探讨紫菜多糖对小鼠免疫功能的刺激作用。In order to investigate the stimulation of layer Porphyra spp.

幼儿游戏组给孩子很多启发。The playgroup provides plenty of stimulation for the children.

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黑蚁受不了激,一气之下就想对擎天下杀手。Black ant cant stand stimulation in a pet like the giant killer.

上下颌牙用丝线结扎法形成局部刺激因素。The local stimulation was caused by tiring silk thread to teeth.

酸化是油水井常用的增产增注措施。Acidizing is common applied in stimulation in oil and water well.