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今年对中国来说是不平凡的一年。This year is eventful for China.

2008年是极不平凡的一年。The year 2008 was truly eventful.

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结束了这出奇怪多事的史剧。That ends this strange eventful history.

凯蒂为那个重大的日子精心打扮了一番。Kanchi dressed carefully for the eventful day.

那天晚上,真是游苔莎多事的一夜。That night was an eventful one to Eustacia's brain.

忆往昔峥嵘岁月,望未来前程更辉煌。Recall the eventful years, look forward to prosperous future.

振动式平板夯的发展已得到了高度的重视。The development of vibration plates has been highly eventful.

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他的病还未痊愈,又接到解雇的通知,真是一波未平,一波又起。It is an eventful period for him to be dismissed in his recovery.

老劳伦斯先生那次戏剧性的拜访过去了几个星期之后,有一天贝思问妈妈。Can I do it?" asked Beth, a few weeks after that eventful call of his."

同样也不要忘记Upcoming.org及Eventful.com等网站,它们可以用于事件的共享。Don't forget sites like and for event sharing.

在那个重要的电话前一个月,我就已经卖掉了自己的房子。I had sold my condominium about a month before that eventful phone call.

对于像洛比尼这样致力于国际经济学研究的学者来说,上世纪90年代可谓多事之秋。The ’90s were an eventful time for an international economist like Roubini.

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即便用过去的标准来进行衡量,这也还是个多事之秋。It’s been an eventful time, even by the standards set in the past couple of years.

在他经历丰富的一生中,克利斯朵夫又交了很多朋友,但是再没有一个能比得上奥里维这样亲密的了。In his eventful life Christophe made many more friends, but none so dear as Olivier.

刚刚过去的2010年,对世界和中国人民来说都是不平凡的一年。The year 2010 which is just behind us has been an eventful year for the world and Chinese people.

他的一生经历了20世纪德国政治上的风云变幻,可谓饱经沧桑、命运坎坷。He went through the upheavals of the twentieth-century German politics and thus led an eventful life.

在那事故纷纷的审判日前夕,珍妮得到准许去见她妹妹。-这是一次可怕的会晤。On the evening which preceded the eventful day of trial, Jeanie was permitted to see her sister-an awful interview.

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虽然他抢到一个很强的出发位,贝多还是在这瞬息万变的比赛的一开始就被甩下了。Though he commanded a strong starting position, Beedo fell behind in the early moments of that eventful competition.

我甚至可以在大家的歌声中表扬他们,啊,还有一个女孩子在舞台上歌唱呢。I even had an eventful "crash" at the appropriate time during the song. Oh, and there were "Doo Whop" girls on stage too!

的确,在近代历史上柏林发生了许多大事,而今,它是欧洲经济最发达国家的首都。Berlin's recent history was certainly eventful. And now it is the capital of the financially most powerful country in Europe.