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得到一个已捕获鬼魂的陷阱。Get slimed by a charging ghost.

显示系统如何跟踪计费。Show how the system tracks charging.

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带球撞人是进攻犯规。A charging call is on offensive foul.

放在充电座上的手提式真空吸尘器Your hand-held vacuum in its charging station

向公司提供付费的快速通道是一种选择。Charging companies for fast lanes is one option.

别这样,你在控诉我么,“这个座位吗?Don't give this. You are charging me. "This seat?

该订单处于信用卡扣款授信过程中。The order is in the process of charging the card.

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必须提供进气阀并能很容易接近。Charging valves must be provided with easy access.

对于少校的指控是鼓动叛乱。The are charging the major with instigating revolt.

具备小罐制冷剂加注功能。With funtion of small cans of refrigerant charging.

高炉上料车车轴在使用过程中发生断裂。A axle of blast furnace charging wagon broke in use.

断开蓄电池充电器蓄电池滴流充电。Disconnect battery charger battery trickle charging.

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锂离子可充电电池以及机内充电Li-Ion rechargeable batteries and in-camera charging

先置模拟,调完转换设定,再置充电。Analog first, then change setting knob, then charging.

要价41000?她显然太高看自己了。Charging ?41000 she obviously thinks a lot of herself.

锂离子电池,环保节能,充满电后可连续使用6小时以上。LI-ION battery which lasts 6 hours after full charging.

为排出槽内和排水管中的水,应使排水阀保持开状态。Water drainage hose, charging valve shall be kept open.

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只需要充电的电池电压12月,800马马克斯。Only needed for Charging the battery 12 Volt, 800 mA max.

民众谴责工党政府试图大权独揽。People are charging the Labour government with bossiness.

状的太阳能可充电电池是新产品。The board-shaped solar charging battery is a new product.