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送给他们一本珍藏版的书。Give them a cherished book.

罗马真是个懂得收藏经典的城市。Rome is such a cherished city.

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在这世上曾有人视你如珍宝。You were cherished in this world.

她怀念她的父亲。She cherished the memory of her father.

它是人间的宝藏,需要我们珍爱。It nees to be cherished as the treasure.

所以在我追求我的目标时我也很珍惜他。So I stuck to my goal and cherished him.

老妇人十分爱她的狗。The old lady tenderly cherished her dog.

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它最珍爱的制造业衰退了。Its most cherished industries are crumbling.

朕当常保此三镜,以防己过。These three mirrors I have always cherished.

从来未曾拥有何谈失去与珍惜。He never talks had not been lost and cherished.

我终于可以看到那魂牵梦绕的月饼了。I can finally see it cherished the moon cake was.

天真无邪又是什么,为什么应该要珍惜赤子之心?What is innocence and why should it be cherished?

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她所珍视的一切一下子就被毁灭了。Everything she cherished was swept away overnight.

但是,我最珍爱的却是一只小木船。However, my most cherished is a small wooden boat.

她抚育这个孩子就像自己的孩子一样。She cherished the child as though he were her own.

他们把这个小孩当作自己的亲生子女来抚养。They have cherished the child as one of their own.

这场战役将永垂青史。This Battle will be cherished and remembered forever.

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这是一个非常值得珍惜的美丽的片刻。It is such a beautiful moment that worthing cherished.

他不会改变的,他将永守他所抱的信仰。He'll never change, and will hug his cherished beliefs.

如果追求是苦,这是坚强还是执迷不悔???If my seeking is bitter, is it tough or still cherished?